Package found in England
- East Midlands Airport in Leicestershire
- It was bound for O'Hare International Airport
- Package was removed and assessed but explosives were not detected
- Bomb eventually discovered at a Defense Science and Technology Laboratory near London
Responsibility for Plot
Terrorism Post 9/11
- 'War on Terrorism' sparked by the attack
- Americans joined extremist groups
- More sophisticated techniques being used
- Airports have now become major targets
- Homegrown terrorism is a greater threat
- Foreign radicals still remain a threat
- Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula
- AQAP also took responsibility for the UPS Flight 6 crash
- AQAP detailed the plot in an English publication
Changes brought about by 9/11
Terrorism Pre 9/11
- Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001
- Department of Homeland Security
- Transportation Safety Administration
- Screening Technology and practices evolved
- Inflight safety; reinforced cockpit doors, armed pilots
- Other Regulatory Changes
- Organized terrorism greatest threat
- Majority stemmed from religious extremists
- Consisted of Jihadist of Middle Eastern descent
- Aircraft were always major targets
- Al-Qaeda was major perptrator of organized Terror
Lessons learned from this Plot
- Terrorism has evolved to a more sophisticated level
- Security measures currently in place are somewhat lacking
- Intelligence may be key to mitigating terror
How was the plot foiled
- Terrorism is an ever present threat
- Intelligence is key in to security current age
- More advanced technologies are needed in "War on Terror'
Package found in Dubai
- Foiled by intelligence sharing
- Saudi Arabia provided key information
- The bombs were found in England and Dubai
- Discovered on FedEx Express plane in Dubai
- It had been on 2 aircraft prior
- It was also bound for O'Hare International Airport
The Plot
- October 29th 2010
- Explosives hidden on 2 Qatar Airways airplanes
- Disguised as printer cartridges
- Aircraft loaded up in Sana'a (Yemen's capital)
- Bound for the United States
Team A
- Andrew Cannon
- Jillian Reeves
- Oluwadayomi Paul
- Sara Bienvenu
- Riley Lorenz
Yemen Air Cargo Plot
Roots of Middle eastern terrorism pre and Post 9/11