Native American Beaver Tribe
- The transportaion was either by walking or bark canoes on a river. Since most of the transportation was on land, they used toboggan sleds to transport possessions. When snowy, Dogsled teams were ideal to this tribe. Snowshoes when traveling or hunting.
- Hunting is very important because it is what they are known for. The men always go out to hunt for caribou, moose, and buffalo. For smaller animals, such as rabbits and fox, traps were the main tool. Women grew vegetables, and went out to look for berries to add to the diet.
- The Clothing the Beaver Tribe wore very simple clothing. It would consist of caribou or moose-skin tunic. knee length pants, and moccasin boots. If snowy, a one piece combination of boots and pants to keep out snow. small necklaces for accessories.
The Beaver Tribe, a.k.a dwellers among the beavers, originated from the Alberta-Saskatchwan border to the Peace River. But then the Cree tribe had driven then out. The Beaver Tribe was forced to move to West Canada.
Relationship With Other Tribes
- The Beaver Tribe was very close to the Chipewyan Tribe.
- The Beaver Tribe hated the Cree and Sekani Tribe because they are jerks.
Children Activities
All the children always play with each other. They like to go hunting or fishing with their fathers or spendig time with the whole family.