Buffalo Rivers Casino Project
- $30 million project -funding
- Casino and lodge
- 80-100 construction jobs for tribe members
- 220 full time jobs
- The Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community from Minnesota will be funding majority of the project
Fort Peck Economics
Poplar, Montana
"That means that we can take care of ourselves. If we didn't have to depend on the federal government, we'd be a lot better off than we are now. We depend on the federal government for almost everything we have." says Tribal Council Chairman Floyd Azure
The Bakken
- Industrial
- Metal fabrication
- production sewing
- electronic manufacturer
- very large employer for the tribes and reservation.
- Community College
- Very agriculturally based
- Farming
- Ranching
- Oil
- 2nd largest reservation in Montana at 2 million acres
- Tribes supply majority of the employment
- Reservation sits on what is thought to be the Western edge of the geological formation.
- There is a lot of potential
- Have had a few trials without much luck
- Mainly getting water rather than oil
- Setbacks and unresolved unemployment rates
Cydney Kurth
Fort Peck Allotment Act of 1908
Wolf Point Wild Horse Stampede
5 Public School
Fort Peck Community College
-Population = 10,771
-4 Counties
-Roughly 2 Million Acres
-3rd Largest Reservation in MT
-9th Largest Reservation in the Nation
Act of Congress on May 1, 1888
Poplar Assiniboine and Sioux Cultural Center and Museum
-Surveying and Allotment of Lands
-Surplus Lands Sold
-Land Withheld
-Land Allotted to Eligible Indians
5. Culture
4. Social Structure
3. Population historically to present
-The Sioux held onto their language, culture and traditions through the Assimilation period.
Sioux: Split into smaller groups. Men hunted, women watched over the camp, sewed, cooked, etc.
-Known for the Sun Dance.
- Assiniboine: Before disease: 10,000 estimated individuals. After three epidemics, they were reduced to 3,375-3,690.
-In December 2000: 5,618 individuals in Canada and in November 2001 6,442 individuals in the U.S.
- Fraternal societies chose those deemed worthy to join. If the young men excelled here the moved on to a more prestigious society; the tribal council.
- The Assiniboine believed in a singular creator, First Born Boy.
- Today, the Sioux's traditional social organization has weakened, though they still consult a healer, wise one, on some tribal matters.
-Tobacco is big a large part of prayer and religion.
Assiniboine: Made small family groups. each group had a chief who was chosen for his merit, not on heredity.
-Believed that the Creator gave them spirits to help with their own short comings.
- Council made up of the heads of each family and the chief.
- The men would seek visions.
- Assiniboine also practiced the Sun Dance, Fool Dance
- The Soldier Society acted as the police and military.
-Men had to prove worth before marriage.
- Today the Fort Peck reservation is run by an executive board
with Rusty Stafne as it's Chairman.
Assiniboine and Sioux history
2. Who Are They?
The Sioux are a federally recognized tribe from the plains of North America, mainly known as The Lakota, Nakota, Dakota.
1. Tribal Affiliation Demographics and Histories
-Bands of the Sioux: Hunkpapa, Sisseton, Wahpeton, and Teton are represented in Fort Peck.
-Bands of the Assiniboine: Canoe Paddler and Red Bottom are represented.
1. www. tribalnations.gov/fortpeck
- www.fortpecktribes.org
2. www.encylopedia.com/topic/assiniboine.aspx.
3. www.encyclopedia.com/topic/assiniboine.aspx.
- www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Sioux
4. www.encylopedia.com/topic/assiniboine.aspx.
- www.encyclopedia.com/topic/Sioux
-6,800 Assiniboine and Sioux living on the Fort Peck reservation
-3,900 members living off the reservation.
Both tribes are Siouian-speaking.
Hunter Mahlum
- Bands on reservation: Canoe Paddler and Red Bottom
- Call them selves the Nakoda
- Originally lived in Canada
- 4,209 enrolled Assiniboine members
- Assiniboine means "Stone Boilers"
- Bands on reservation: Sisseton, Wahpetons, the Yanktonais, and the Teton Hunkpapa
Fort Peck Reservation
- Call them selves the “Dakota”
- Originally lived in the Midwest
Major Similarities and Differences
- 6,962 enrolled Sioux members
- Share a reservation of 2,093,318 acres
- Both pushed west to Montana because of colonies
Home of the Assiniboine & Sioux
Fort Peck Dam
Purple Group
Contemporary Life & Issues on the Fort Peck Reservation
- Opened in 1940
- Located within the Charles M. Russel Wildlife Refuge near Glasgow and is adjacent to the Fort Peck community
- Creates Fort Peck Lake
- Nameplate capacity: 185.25 Megawatts
Jackson vs. The Board of Trustees of Wolf Point District, 2013
- Unfair election of schoolboard members
- White majority district:
- 1 representative/143 residents
- Native American majority district:
- 1 representative/841 residents
- New arrangement will ensure "one person, one vote" representation
- http://aclumontana.org/jackson-et-al-v-wolf-point-school-district/
- http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2014/03/18/giant-step-forward-equal-voting-rights-native-lawsuit-154057
Keystone XL Pipeline
- Fort Peck passed a resolution opposing pipeline
- Located upstream from Fort Peck Dam
- Pipeline could jeopardize drinking water projects for reservation
- Poplar Pipeline spill
- XL spill would have 10x the effect
Community Health
- Trust responsibility
- Indian Health Service receives $4.4 billion annually
- Higher rates of substance abuse, assault, & diabetes
- Average life expectancy
- Women: 62/82 years
- Men: 56/75 years
- Reasons for poor and delayed health care
- Regulated by the Fort Peck Fish & Game Department
- Big Game: Buffalo, Elk, Deer
- Birds: Waterfowl, Pheasants, Grouse, Sharptail, Hungarian Partridge
- "Special" Game: Buffalo (from Turtle Mound Buffalo Ranch), Antelope, Pronghorn
Images: fortpecktribes.org
"The School-to-Prison Pipeline Tragedy"
- punishment can separate children from friends, positive routines, and even meals
- leads to not only trouble with the law, but to high suicide rates
Definition for one individual: makes <$11,490 per year
(increases as family size increases)
American Indian Health Profile (2008)
Montana Research and Analysis Bureau (2008)
Other problems:
- lack of funding
- lack of support
- lack of proper representation
- Unemployment rate: 55%
- Median household income: $18,500
- Overall poverty rate: 45%
- At least 50% of children live in poverty.
Montana average: 13% / 17%
- linked to poor health, criminal activity, mental illness, and addiction
- possible causes:
- lack of property rights
- physical and economic isolation
- underlying social & cultural factors
Image: umsciencescource.com
American Indian kids aged 10-24 take their lives at a rate 3x of that of other population groups.
personal issues, community-wide poverty, unemployment, substance abuse
- (fortpecktribes.org/fgd/hunting.htm)
- (fptwater.org)
- (fortpecktribes.org/tribal_history.html)
- (ourfactsyourfuture.org/media/9413/rf13-fortpeck-web.pdf)
Water Resource Office
Fort Peck Allotment Act
- Not allowed to fish for Sturgeon
- Only one Paddlefish per season
- Responsible for water rights and regulations
- Enforce the Fort Peck - Montana Compact and the Tribal Water Code
- Manages water use, quality and quantity
- Gave surplus lands from the Allotment act to eligible Natives
- Each eligible person was to receive 320 acres of grazing land in addition to some timber and irrigable land
- 2007: 97 Indian owned farms, 3 non-Indian owned farms
- Livestock include: Cattle, Sheep, Horses, Chickens
- Crops include: Wheat (Winter, Durum, Spring), Barley, Oats, Hay