Facts about Columbia
- It is perfectly normal for children of Colombia to drink coffee after dinner. Adults typically drink stronger black coffee, while children sip on coffee con leche, or coffee with milk.
- A total of 18 public holidays are celebrated each year by Colombians.
- During major events, the government imposes a temporary ban on alcohol. This is to avoid violence. This has been enacted during the World Cup as well as political elections.
- The law requires the Colombia National Anthem to play on TV and the radio each day at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m.
- Colombia is located in South America, above Brazil.
- It has approximately a population of 33 million.
- Almost everyone in Colombia is Catholic.
- The Colombian flag is Yellow, Blue & Red.
- Colombia’s Declaration of Independence is celebrated July 20th
- Colombia is the only country in South America to have coastlines on the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean.
(WHO) Anna and I are in Columbia on a business trip, María Juliana Ruiz Sandoval fiance of iván duque márquez is going to get married and (WHAT) they've called us to design the bride and bridesmaid dresses. (WHEN) Their wedding is on the 23rd of this month (WHERE) at a chapel in Columbia and we have to work fast. (WHY) They hired us because they want an american style wedding dress made by americans, and he is willing to pay thousands for an american style dress.
Things You Should Know For This Event In Colombia
Us running to the airport
Us when we found out the president of Columbia wanted us to make the dresses for his wedding
(Yes this is the actual plane we were in)
(yes this is actually us)
- For dress, formality increases as you move inland. It is important to adopt conservative business attire inland. Suits in dark colors are preferred. Women should dress conservatively and modestly: a suit or dress.
- You Should Bring Dress Shoes For This Event.
- You Should Bring A Wedding Gift For The Bride.
- You Should Know That Colombian Women Will Often Substitute The Gesture of Holding Forearms for a Handshake.
- You Should Know That It is Impolite to Yawn in Public.
- You Should Avoid Putting Your Feet Up On a Table Or Other Piece of Furniture.
- Women Visitors Should Be Especially Sensitive About Making Any Glance Or Gesture That Might Be Considered Flirtatious.
- The currency is scaled up to the extreme meaning everything is pretty much priced into double or triple figure thousands
- They do not have milk gallons/cartons, they have BAGS of milk.
- You Should NOT Talk About Pablo Escobar, They Are Very Sensitive About That Topic.
The Bridesmaid dresses we designed
Us making her wedding Dress
Us meeting with the president
(Yes that is us hugging him, we turned into one person)
(Yes we actually made these)
us eating after the wedding
The Chapel they got married in
(Yes again that is actually us)
Yes that is actually them
Us landing back in America
The End
(yes this is the actual plane we were in)
The Global Nature of Fashion ( Columbia)
BY: Jeymi E. + Anna D.
~yellow symbolizes sovereignty and justice
~blue as loyalty and vigilance
~red represents the valor shown and the victory achieved during the battles for independence from Spain.