Literary Techniques
- Parody
- Frame Story
- Constrained Writing
- Stream of Consciousness
- Literary Technique
- Tone
- Content
- Length (fiction)
- Cultural movement
- Historical Perspective
- Epic
- Tragedy
- Comedy
- Tragicomedy
- Drama
- Erotic
- Mythopoeia
- Satire
- Romance
- Non-sense
- Lyric
Reading a text by genre relies upon classification. In the case of Atwood, this could be seen as dystopia/ satire. Aspects within the text that reflect the primary aim of writing are of main interest.
- Novel
- Poem
- Drama
- Short Story
But Perspectives are relative...
- Abnormality & Unexpected
- Plot
- Characters
- Dialogue
- Symbols (Ostrich)
- Theme
Critical Lenses in Literature
Historical Fiction
- Distinction, Historical Fiction vs Contemporary Literature
- Historical Fiction
- Time-Style-Message
To Conclude...
- They are the perspectives through which literature are classically analyzed
- They are a 'set' group of styles
- Formalist
- Sexual Politics
- Structuralism
- Psychoanalysis
- Marxist
- Genre
- Historicist
- Reception/reader response
- De-constructionist.
Why is it Relevant?
Gives readers easy access to the books they enjoy
Transmit knowledge
Entertain (easier to follow, nicer to read)
Allow transgressions (fashionable literature)
Critical Lenses:Genre and Fiela's Child