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- Evans, Nancy J., Deanna S. Forney, Florence M. Guido, Lori D. Patton, Kristen A Renn. Student Development in College: Theory, Research, and Practice.San Francisco:Jossey-Bass, 2010. Print.
- "Robert Kegan". Wikipedia. Encyclopedia. 16 March 2015. <>.
- Thomasan, Steve. "Thketch of Kegan's 5 Orders". You-Tube. Video. 10 March 2015. <>.
- Traylor, Jessica. “Kegan Constructive Developmental Theory.” 23 March 2010. Web. 12 March 2015. <>.
- What are we currently doing that supports our students through these orders of consciousness?
- What more could we do to support our students and help them grow in these orders of consciousness?
1st Order
- Cognitive: awareness of objects in our environment
- Interpersonal: perceptions of others
2nd Order
"All about me!"
- Intrapersonal: impulses, no distinction of "self"
0th Order
- Cognitive
- "durable categories"
- distinction between beings with consciousness and things without
- Interpersonal
- point of view, understanding that others have needs but mine are still most important
- competition and compromise
- Intrapersonal
- discover own preferences and moods; still act impulsively
- infancy
- object-less world
- extension of self
Orders of Consciousness
3 lines of development
- cognitive: how the subject interacts with objects in the world
- interpersonal: how the subject interacts with other subjects in the world
- intrapersonal: how the subject thinks about themself
- 0th order: infants
- 1st order: no separation of fantasy/reality, act on impulse
- 2nd order: concrete distinction of consciousness, points of view
- 3rd order: "socialized mind"; communicating ideas with others; self consciousness - meaning based strongly on personal relationships; traditionalism
- 4th order: view society as a system; understand roles in society; societies are separate systems; modernism
- 5th order: the ULTIMATE; post-modernism
3rd Order
- Cognitive
- abstraction: differentiate between consciousnesses and communicate abstract ideas
- Interpersonal
- mutuality: exchanging thoughts, communicating ideas as equals
- Intrapersonal
- self-awareness and self-consciousness
- understand own role in society and take no notice of other roles or structure of society
5th Order
Students making meaning
of the world around them
- Cognitive
- Dialectical
- Understand how relationships effect people
- Interpersonal
- Inter-institutional relationships (between societies)
- Intrapersonal
- "Transformation interpenetration of self"
Order 4:
- Cognitive
- view society as an abstract system
- understand how parts of society function together
- Interpersonal
- understand institutional structures
- distinguish various roles in society
- Intrapersonal
- self-authorship, self-regulation, responsibility
- form values, beliefs, ideologies (usually in tune with those of society)
- understand that society is most beneficial when all members fulfill their individual roles
- "The evolution of consciousness: the personal unfolding of ways of organizing experience that are not simply replaced as we grow but subsumed into more complex systems of the mind."
- As the mind becomes more complex and understands things more clearly, people progress through the stages (Orders 0-5)
Dr. Robert Kegan!
Robert Kegan's Evolution of Consciousness
- born August 24, 1946
- attended Dartmouth College as undergrad, Harvard University for PhD
- has written several books including:
- "The Evolving Self", focusing on "meaning-making"
- "In over Our Heads", extending his work in "The Evolving Self INTO the theory of "orders of consciousness
by Becca Calvillo and April Verser