The Duvalier Dynasty
Risks & Strategies
François "Papa Doc" Duvalier
Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier
François "Papa Doc" Duvalier
Successful Coup Proofing Strategies
- Parallel armed forces
- Professionalism
- Exiled the opposition
- Hereditary successor
- Ruled Haiti from 1957-1971 as President
- Most notorious for being a voodoo priest
- Totalitarian
Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier
Greatest Risks: Mass mobilization & foreign veto power (structural) + economic crisis (trigger)
- Ruled as Haiti's "President for Life" from 1971-1987
- "Tin-pot" Autocrat
- Destroyed the Duvalier dynasty
Patronage (Non-Tax Revenue)
- $$ from trafficking drugs, cadavers
- foreign aid sold for profit
- US/UN support b/c anti-communists
- monopoly on tobacco industry
- kept 30% of Haiti's money for personal spending
Violent Repression/Terror
- General Deterrence (ordinary citizens)
- beating/shooting peaceful protestors
- Tonton Macoute - disappearences, murder, rape, public burning - over petty things
- Individual Deterrence (political opponets
- Triangle of Death Prisons - human rights violations, extrajudicial killings
- Political prisoners disappeared or executed
Propaganda/Personality Cult
- sister Marie-Denise considered to be Papa's only true spiritual offspring
- Baby put a voodoo spell on the presidential bed so next occupant would die a horrible death
- Installed televisions on streets to broadcast Michele doing good deeds for the poor
- Tonton macoute - voudou, bogeyman
- Professionalism
- Re-opened military academy
- Internal security agencies with overlapping jurisdictions
- Secured foreign assistance from the U.S. to create the Leopards counterinsurgency unit (to help merge the secret police and military, and limit abuses by secret police)
Against Coups
- Don't let your wife take your family out of coup-critical positions (ousted his mother, who was leading secret police, among other family members)
- Support the elites that upheld Papa Doc's regime
Against Mobilization
- lower people's internal costs to protesting by making the regime more likeable (feed them, maybe?)
- Do not trigger the downfall of your own regime
- broadcasting wealth nationally = :(
- letting the Pope come to speak against you = :(
- Try harder