Has the invention been improved or changed since invented?
What is the importance of the invention?
Yes the invention has improved, the dishwasher in current days can be made out of different materials and the buttons have been added on for easier use.
Did it lead to other inventions?
The significance of the invention is that it allows the power to a clean a houehold to be a press of a button away, and advance technology.
Shows the image of 1900's dishwasher in balck and white.
This shows the image of josephine and the sketch of her invention.
Yes, it did. It led to the washing machine and drying machine.
Explain why its important?
How has this invention changed the world,what was it like before, and how is it diffferent?
It is said that she had run through the streets screaming with blood in her eyes, saying "If nobody else is going to invent a dish washing machine I"ll do it myself!"
Its important because people all around the world can have access to this technology used in the kitchenand create a change in their schedueles and increase free time.
This invention created an easier way to clean utensils,before it was created people had to use their precious time to clean with their hands.Since this invention was created people now focus on other things beside the stress of washing dishes and the time it takes
Her friends were very impressed with her invention that they asked her to make one for them,they called them Cochrane Dishwashers"
Later on she had a company named Garis Cochran Manufacturing Company
Who was this inventor?
Information on Josephine Cohran
Birthdate: March 8,1839
Jospehine was a white female, who didnt give up when it came to making housewives life easier in the kitchen, and raised in a family of inventors which lead to her great creation
Children: two kids one named Hailee, who was one of William"s son and katharine the daughter.
Spouse: died in 1883 was an acoholic at the age of 45 and left Josephine with a pile of debt and only $1,535,.59 dollars in cash.
When did she live?
The invention that made women's life easier in the kitchen
Died at the age of 74 years-old
Josephine lived from 1839 -1913
Death: She died of a stroke or exhaustion in Chicago,Illinios, on August 14,1913
introduced her invention 1893 at Chicago fair
Buried: In Glendwood cemetery in Shelbyvile,Illinios.
What is the invention?
Before fame she was a wealthy women who disliked doing dishes.
This video talks about Josephine's life and how she came up withe idea of making a dishwasher and who inspired or lead her to the idea, and how woman in 1800's has excess amount of dishes to wash and how it was very tiring.
The invention is known as the the first automatic dishwasher.
She and her husband often threw dinner parties for guests.
What does it do? How can it be used?
What was the inventors early life and education like?
When was it invented?
The first dishwasher was invented in the 1886
The invention has dirty plates put into it,and when closed it submerges hot water to wipe off the residue. It can be used to clean plates, to save time and the hassling
Josephine early life is unknown, but knowing her father died when she was young can lead me to the conclusion that sh was a very sad child and maybe angry at the world and possibly brave and smart since both parents died at an early age she probably could handle more at a young age, and she probably went to regular schools since her parents were"nt there to help pay.
Where there other inventions that led up to it?
Yes, the invention that led up to this was Joel Houghton's machine which only splashed water on plates.
Why did the inventor create this invention?
She invented the dishwasher to make housewifes lives easier, and to prevet plates fromchipping and shattering
Did the inventor invent other inventions, what were they?
Josephine was the daughter of a wealthy man named John Garis.He was a civil engineer. She had one sister named Irene Fitch Garis.All of her family were involved in business of creating things, it was in their blood to come up with something many could not, her grandfather John Fitch was an inventor. She was raised in Valparaiso, Indiana, where she went to a private school until it burnt down.
No, she only invented the dishwasher, perhaps if she had lived longer she could have invented another invention.
This shows the commercial for the dishwasher,and shows proof how great and smoothly it works, and shows an image of it and how it is used and the results of the dishes being cleaned without being scrapped.