Janie & Tea Cake
By : Jasmine Lovell
You can’t stop loving or wanting to love because when its right, it’s the best thing in the world. When you’re in a relationship and it’s good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.
- Keith Sweat
Rules of the Relationship
Description of Janie
Future - No Matter What
Chapter 10
Chapter 14
Chapter 12
Tea Cake and Janie were at the muck and Tea Cake started to work, he wanted Janie to work along side him so they could spend more time with each other so she agreed to working with him.
It wasn't too long unitl they were officially a couple and the enitre town was talking about it. He brought her new dresses and had her looking different everyday which had the town very shocked to see her with him all the time because Jody just passed away not too long ago. And Janie told Pheoby they were going to run off and get married.
Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
Janie and Tea Cake met at the store before she closed. He came in there to buy cigarettes and they had a conversation which led him teaching her how to play a game of Checkers. Tea Cake brought something to the table Janie has never seen in a man and instantly had chemistry with him.
- Janie didn't want Tea Cake to play around with other girls. She actually got mad when Tea Cake played with Nunkie.
- Tea Cake didn't tell Janie that he had all of the control in the relationship, he showed it in a very violent way.
Janie Crawford was a young lady mixed with black and white and was raised by her grandmother because her mother ran off when she was younger. Janie is a product of a rape and she does not know her mother nor father, so she had no other choice but to be raised by her grandmother who was brought up during during slavery. Janie is a sweet , young innocent girl whose whole body is made up of love and as she grows older she begins to blossom to the romantic quality and wants to find love.
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Monica - Love All Over Me
Tea Cake and Janie ran off to get married right after Tea Cake got his next pay in Jacksonville. Janie never paid for anything because Tea Cake did all the spending, but she kept some money on her in her skirt which was missing when she got up the next morning after she decided to get dress and realized her money was gone and so was Tea Cake. When he arrived she asked what happened to her money and he told her he spent it but he was going to win it back gambling. He won her money back and told her they were going to the muck to make more money and do fun foolishness.
Janie was afraid to show interest in Tea Cake at first because she was afraid to trust but he was different. He was so romantic towards her she just gave in. The conversations they had were always good because she was laughing, but there was a conversation they had about how he feels and she put him out because she didn't believe him and after that she didn't see or talk to him for a day and it was driving her crazy that she start making him out to be a bad person, but the next morning he came to tell her how he feels since she didn't believe him before so she invited him in and they laid up.
Description of Tea Cake
- Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love ; because the title represents the blood after she kills Tea Cake.
- Monica - Love All Over Me ; because when Janie first met Tea Cake she had a connection with him instantly and he was her first real love
- Future - No Matter What ; because Tea Cake and Janie were like bestfriends and they had a bond from the beginning
Chapter 19
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Tea Cake is Janie's true love. His real name is Vergible Woods. He is a caring, fun, loving person who wins Janie's heart. Tea Cake is different from all of her other husbands because he never foroced Janie to do anything for him just as long as she was by his side was fine. He takes her intellegence into consideration because he shows her how to play checkers which shows that he has more conception than Joe and Logan.
While in Everglades on the muck, Tea Cake met this lady name Nunkie that mad Janie very jealous because she was working out in the field with Tea Cake and Janie didn't like her at all.
Tea Cake had found out that Mrs. Turner was trying to hook Janie up with her brother and he didn't like that, so to show that he was boss. He beat Janie and bragged about it to his friends because he was jealous.
The rabies started to make Tea Cake really sick and it was too late to treat it, so he was going to die sooner or later and he began to mistreat Janie. He got mad one day because she wouldn't sleep with him and he raised a pistol at her and shot a few blanks so she shot him before the next bullet and killed him.
Chapter 18
Chapter 16
Tea Cake and Janie decided to stay on the muck even though people were leaving because working season was over. Janie had met a older women name Mrs. Turner who had a brother and wanted her to be with him instead of Tea Cake because he was dark skin.
A hurricane was coming and Janie and Tea Cake decided to stay in the Everglades, but escaped as the storm was happening and Tea Cake saved Janie from getting biten from a dog that had rabies.
Relationship Timeline
Tea Cake was dead and Janie buried him in Palm Beach because she know thats were he loved to be.....
Chapter 10-20