Seu novo assistente de apresentação.
Refine, aprimore e adapte seu conteúdo, obtenha imagens relevantes e edite recursos visuais com mais rapidez do que nunca.
Buscar populares
12-14 years
Application in School
Create/draw new invention and explain how it will influence political and regional power
Create a drawing of a famous person in history and write a report about what that person did that made them famous
Draw a character from a novel using the description described in the story that reveals aspects of that character
9-12 years
7-9 years
Application in School
Create geometrical objects in space or create planetary system using color and shading
Create maps of geographic places
Create a postcard with a landscape on the front and write a letter on the back
Encourage students to be creative and not be too concerned of the way the objects look in their drawings
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Application in School
Create a scene to represent different cultures
Create poster about recycling
Draw different scenes in a play and compare the two
Encourage students to discuss their art work
2- 4 years
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Application in School
Draw a family to represent family culture
Create patterns for math
Discuss the use of colors for developing character's emotion, create a drawing that represents a character
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Application in School
Provide opportunities for students to develop motor skills and control
Provide different colors and other media for student to create
Ask questions about drawings
Drawing Development in Children
Viktor Lowenfeld
Published Creative and Mental Growth
Defined 5 Stages of Artistic Development
1. Scribble
2. Preschematic
3. Schematic
4. Dawn Realism
5. Pseudo-Naturalistic
University of Minnesota, Duluth
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. (n.d.). Artistic Development in Children. Retrieved from http://www.ed.gov.nl.ca/edu/k12/curriculum/guides/art/primaryelementary/part_p2-19.pdf
Drawing Development in Children. (n.d.) Retrieved from http://kenstonlocal.org/vejar/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/drawingdevelopment.pdf
Joslin, J. (2015). Postcards from the wildnerness. The J. Paul Getty Museum. Retrieved from http://www.getty.edu/education/teachers/classroom_resources/curricula/arts_lang_arts/a_la_lesson18.html
University of Minnesota, Duluth. (n.d.). Lowenfeld's stages of artistic development. Retrieved from http://www.d.umn.edu/~jbrutger/Lowenf.html