I asked some of your colleagues what they wanted to know about cancer care. heres what came up:
- Bowel Screening- The change to FIT testing should lead increased participation rates
- Early Detection of lung cancer- NELSON Trial indicated a 26% reduction in men who were at high risk of lung cancer, with serial low dose CT scans
- NICE Guideline 12 (NG12) guidance which recommends referral with a 3% GP suspician
- Maintaining the 62 day standard
- Increased workforce and commitment to delivering better standards of care
- Personalised care for better patient outcome and experience
- Attitudinal Changes- Reduced blocking of referrals shifting towards an earlier cancer detection.
other resources for you and patients with cancer
- Macmillan website
- Can register as a health professional and get lots of free resources and leaflets
- Can also redirect patients to the contact telephone number and resources available
- Cancer Research UK website
- Lots of free resources for healthcare professionals
- Nurse specialists at the end of a phone for patients
- Farleigh Hospice or St Lukes Hospice (Basildon and Brentwood) websites
- Outline the various services that are provided for helping palliative patients
- Not just for cancer patients
- Social Prescribing- Connect Well Essex
- Piloted in Mid Essex 18 months ago
- For patients with vague abdominal symptoms
- Good results from this pilot with an approximate 10% pick up rate
- Is now being rolled out across out the STP- with late Spring/ early Summer 2019 date
- Referral Criteria:
- The patient is fit and suitable for investigations
- There are vague abdominal symptoms
- GP has a gut feeling of malignancy
- No other urgent referral pathway is suitable
- All of the pre-referral investigations have been completed
- Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)
- For patients that are low risk, but not no risk
- Set criteria for referral
- Due to its high specificity- there is talk of it replacing the existing FOB Screening national programme very soon
- Video
- Reviewing a patient within the first 6 months of diagnosis
- Pushing for it to be nurse led.
- Practice will be receiving money for this.
- Follow the Macmillan Template which can be found in the search box on SystmOne
- Focussing heavily on a Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) and good resources for patients and family members affected by cancer.
- Video
- Identification that they werent the most easy to use
- Now all of them have a much nicer structure
- Not all the required information was input on to them
- Self populating with our details
- Dates unavailable at the end removed
- Now important to ensure that the patient is free for the next two weeks. If not, then don't refer until they are available
- Now systematically organised into suspected cancer specific boxes
- All of them NOW have the GUT feeling box
- There are some blood tests or investigations that need to be done prior to sending the forms. These are classified as URGENT.
- Touch upon the new 2ww forms and guidance associated with each one
- Cancer Care Reviews: what are they all about?
- The new FIT programme
- The Vague Symptoms Pathway
- Common Questions around the 2ww referral process and what it entails
- Lets talk some social prescribing and a few good resources for you
- We send the 2ww forms, what happens then?
- We have heard about 2ww forms getting rejected? Why?
- What else can I offer to patients in the way of resources whilst they are waiting for their treatment or during their treatment?
- Some patients who have cancer (or other chronic conditions) want to connect with others who are in similar situations. What can I offer them?
- Whats happening about the Vague Symptoms pathway?
- Can we hear more about this new AMAZING FIT test?
- What is meant by the cancer care review and what does it entail?
Cancer Care across the Mid and South Essex STP
Dr Deepak kumar
Macmillan GP (Basildon and Brentwood CCG)
Associate Lecturer
- 1995 Calman-Hine Report
- Delved deep into the organisational aspects of cancer care. Driven by the principle that all patients should have uniformly high standards of treatment and care
- 1997 The Arrival of New Labour
- Cancer was the only condition singled out in their 1997 manifesto
- 2000 The NHS Cancer Plan
- Strategies for prevention, screening, diagnosis and treatment
- More funding for equipment, staff and treatment
- Emphasis on targets from first referral to diagnosis to treatment
- Screening programmes extended with pilot screening programmes in place
- 2007-10 The Cancer Reform Strategy
- Acknowledged the reform that had happened and pushed the boundaries of targets further
- More action on prevention and extensions to screening
- The various initiatives to focus on earlier diagnosis, improving quality of life and reducing inequalities
- 2010 The Cancer Drugs Fund and Bowel Screening
- £200 million per year for drugs not available on the NHS
- 2014/2015 The Five Year Forward View
- More progress on prevention with a big push towards rapid diagnosis- (95% to wait <4weeks for a diagnosis/ exclusion)
- Creation of Cancer Alliances
- Cost of £400 million per annum- the prize being an additional 30,000 patients a year surviving 10 years or more.