Key steps of the PDP process:
- Collaboratively set goals with Team Members.
- Coach and prepare Team Members for success.
- Provide regular feedback to Team Members (Remember that feedback should be given regularly, not just at performance review time).
- Constructively address performance issues.
- Conduct regular structured reviews (6 monthly).
- Manager and team member both prepare for mid-period review meeting by each making notes in 'Team Member' or 'Manager' section.
- Meeting of Manager and team member to review performance:
- General discussion
- Work plan
- Development plan progress
- Career plan progress
- Overall comments mid period review
- Manager completes form and submits to on-up Manager for review.
- Manager and team member both prepare for mid-period review meeting by each making notes in 'Team Member' or 'Manager' section.
- Meeting of Manager and team member to review performance:
- General discussion
- Work plan
- Development plan progress
- Career plan progress
- Overall comments mid period review
- Manager completes form and ADDS RATINGS, then submits to on-up Manager for review.
This presentation will cover...
... why PDPs are important
... and how you manage you and your team's PDPs.
So things don't go down like this:
We are assessing our team's performance constantly throughout the year - not just at review time.
Formal performance reviews are conducted twice yearly using the Performance and Development Plan (PDP) form.
How to lead your team through the PDP process
2. The Senior Leadership Team develops the Business Plan and Budgets.
1. The Youthtown Board develops the Youthtown Strategic Plan.
Getting started
Planning what is to be achieved through the period (goals or deliverables)
3. Area Managers develop the Regional Business Plans and Budgets.
Youthtown strategic objectives
form the basis of each PDP. Talk to your Manager about what the Youthtown goals for the year mean for your team.
Help your team members in drafting their WORK PLAN, DEVELOPMENT PLAN and CAREER PLAN.
DEVelopment plan
- Identify development goals that will improve performance.
- What aspects of your work would you like to develop further over the next year?
- Must be related to the Work Plan (What) or Behaviours (How).
- Think outside the square when it comes to development opportunities.
- Opportunities in your role provide the most powerful learning experiences.
- Developing in your current role will prepare you to be ready for future opportunities.
Make your team members' goals SMART!
4. Individuals develop their Individual Work Plans, Development Plans and Career Plans in collaboration with their Manager.
This section involves you thinking and talking about specific behaviours as opposed to results.
Ask yourself what it is that your team member does in practical terms, with our youth or with other stakeholders, that demonstrates the Youthtown values.
The “HOW” is equally as important as the “WHAT”.
Complete this section with your individual team members at your Mid-Period Review and your End-of-Period Review.
This section contains discussion points relating to your and your team member's role.
Your role as a Leader
5. Throughout the year, Managers coach and prepare their team members for success, provide regular feedback, and constructively addressing performance issues.
6. Managers conduct structured Mid-Period Reviews with each of their direct reports.
Both Team Member and Manager continually discuss and review Team Member’s performance.
There are no surprises at the review meetings.
Team Members and Managers can make changes to goals during the year if things change (and they often do).
7. Managers conduct structured End-of-Period Reviews with each of their direct reports.
This meeting is a great opportunity...
- To make sure everything is on track with your team member
- To discuss any problems or barriers that may be inhibiting their performance
- To show your team member that their goals are aligned with the team goals (and goals of Youthtown)
- To talk about what your team member has done well
- To talk about what they can do differently in the future
- To coach and support your team member
In a nutshell...
Reviews are supportive, positive and there are no surprises!
Let your team member take the lead a little and you take a more supportive role.
- Let your team members know that it's time for their Mid-Period Reviews
- Ask you team members to prepare for this meeting (by reviewing each section of the PDP form and making a few notes as they go)
- Arrange a one-on-one meeting with each of your team members (about an hour)
- Once you have met together, complete the form and submit it to your own leader
...and what PDP isn't
8. The Remuneration Review process takes place after the PDP process is completed for the year.
End of period Review
Rate your team member's behaviour according to the rating system laid out here
- Something done just to satisfy your Manager.
- The only discussion you have all year with your team member.
- A focus on what people are doing wrong.
What are your team member's career aspirations?
What development is required to achieve these aspirations?
How can Youthtown support your career development?
- A year long process linking individual Team Members outputs to Youthtown’s strategic plan.
- A means to improve individual and organisation performance.
- A means to allow people not to fail and to be successful in their role.
- A process that has dual responsibility on both the Manager and the Team Members to set goals.
- An opportunity for Managers to coach their teams.
Once your team member's performance and development plan has been agreed upon by the team member and yourself, you will forward it to your Manager for sign off. It will then go to HR to put in your team member's file.
Shoot for the stars!
WHAT we do is very important and HOW we behave everyday is equally important in ensuring our success.
Our performance and development process will support us in achieving our objectives and living our values.
Performance and Development PLANS foR
Leaders AT