Consumerism and Advertising
- Mass production of goods made prices cheaper, so that more people could afford items
- National production increased 34% in just 7 years
- The economy was growing
Things you Don't need
- Companies hired psychologists to design advertising campaigns
- However, in the end it was the ability to buy things on credit that really made things possible
- Businesses allowed people to pay "on time"
- About 60% of furniture and 75% of radios in the 1920s were paid in installment plans
- By 1929, an estimated $70 billion worth of goods had been purchased on credit
- People were earning more, but spending more; only 20% of American families had savings
- Companies kept producing as long as people were buying
All factors will contribute to 1929...
- Advertisers today spend $279.6 BILLION a year
- Last year alone, 97 million people in the U.S. made purchases on their credit card
- WWI required families to ration goods
- It was an era of frugality-not buying things you may have wanted, saving your money for necessities
- After the war, there was a slight recession, but by the 1920s, the economy was booming
- Incomes were rising, and the cost of living was decreasing
- This left money that could be spent on goods
- The frugality of WWI was over
Better machinery in factories
Higher Production and Wages
Standardized Mass Production
More demand for consumer goods
- New products, such as cars and the radio changed American life forever
- But even more drastically changed was the American household
- Items such as sweepers, toaster ovens, toasters, stoves, lights, fans, cream separators, and washing machines became desired by all housewives
- By the 1930s, 2/3 of all households had electricity
- Advertising became an important part of American life in the 1920s, even until today
- To get people to buy things, the advertisers featured the "ideal" person or family or situation in their ads
- Before WWI, only $300 million was spent on ads. After the war, this rose to $2.48 billion
- This made people want to buy those new products
- The 1920s becomes a consumer era
- Such appliances were promoted as convenient and time saving
- Housewives now had leisure time, and could work outside the home, adding additional income and...spending money!
- Advertisers convinced families that they didn't want the product, they absolutely NEEDED it
Things you need
This was half a years pay!
And advertisers used the standard
"Sex sells"