Characteristics and facilities
- Compulsory 24 hour pilotage
- Mooring men and facilities;
- Dry dock and floating dry dock;
- Wide range of marine supplies;
- Modern firefighting system;
- Seventy anchorages depths from 11m to 15m:
- Around eight tugs are available in order to assist berthing;
- Fuel grades are available.
Port Description
- Located in the gulf of Naples on the south of west coast;
- Major Mediterranean cruse ship;
- Annual traffic capacity of 1.5 million passengers;
- One of the largest passengers ports in Europe
- Full assistance and wide range of service are available
Characteristics and facilities
- One container ship terminal;
- Four commercial cargo terminals;
- One automobile (RO-RO) terminal;
- One ship yard with three dry docks plus four floating docks for repairs
- One oil terminal;
- One passenger cruise terminal with:
- Ten mooring places;
- Seven mobile gangways;
- Twelve check - in desks
Port Specifications
- The Eastern entrance is reserved to product and chemical tankers 250m wide;
- The Western entrance is for all others vessels 280m wide.
Characteristics and facilities
Port specifications
- Unlike some ports, in Naples you walk straight off your ship into the center of the city;
- The MSC cruises company was founded and headquarter in Naples since 1960;
- Directly linked to the national motorway
Trabalho realizado por:
Vitor Britto 11323
Idvaldo Teixeira
Port of Naples (Italy)
=40°51’N L=14°16’E
BA CHART No. 908, 914 and 915