What does Ginott look for in Teachers?
More Examples
- Terri is constantly providing insight in class which is great, but it disrupts the flow of the class? Do you yell at him and tell him to be quiet?
- No, you tell him, "The class moves along much better, Terry when you raise your hand and I call on you.
- Acceptance and Acknowledgement
- Hidden asset?
- How helpful can I be to my students right now?
Also use words that are long or difficult, that students do not hear everyday.
The Learning House Inc. (2013, January 1). Classroom Management and Discipline. In Learn Portal. Retrieved February 19, 2014, from http://www.elearnportal.com/courses/education/classroom-management-and-discipline/classroom-management-and-discipline-discipline-theorists-part-three
Use brevity in correcting misbehavior.
Ex: "Richard, please put your phone away".
Great teachers do not preach or impose guilt ,
instead they use non-agressive words
Use appreciative praise!
I instead of you............behavior is a classwide issue not individual
Congruent Communication
- Addresses situations
- Expresses anger appropriately
- Invites cooperation
- Uses appreciative praise
Haim Ginott in a Nutshell
How to maintain a positive classroom discipline
- Clinical Psychologist/Child Therapist
- Major proponent of controlling behavior in children
- Parents need to play a huge role to dispel incorrect behavior, but keep in mind the child's feelings
- DO NOT PREJUDGE STUDENTS; instead direct them to proper behavior
- Be respectful of students needs
- Model the behavior you want students to have
- Grant respect on the students
Correcting by Directing
Major Theme
- Redirect behavior to more acceptable or what you want in your classroom
- Students need to learn self discipline
- Behavior Contracts= More TRUST
- Focus should be on classroom as a whole, not individual behavior problems
- Address class using "I" statements
- Idea of "Congruent Communication"
The Haim Ginott Model
By: Tom Soviskky & Dylan Lane