Violent anti Mazarin riots tore France apart
Major Events of Louis XIV's reign
Death of Louis XIV
War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714)
- In 1701, England, Austria, the Dutch Republic, Portugal and several German and Italian states joined together to prevent the union of French and Spanish thrones.
- The long struggle that followed is known as War of Spanish Succession.
Treaty of Nijmegen
Louis invades the Spanish Netherlands
Dutch prince becomes king of England
- Louis died in bed in 1715.
- The news of his death brought rejoice/happiness to French people as they had enough of the Sun King.
- The war ended in 1678 with Treaty of Nijgemen.
- France gained several towns and a region called Franche-Comte'
- Six year after Mazarin's death, Louis invaded Spanish Netherlands in an effort to expand France's boundaries.
- Through this campaign he gained 12 towns.
Many people in France especially the nobles hated Mazarin because:
- he increased taxes
- strengthened the actual government.
- In 1689, the Dutch prince, William of Orange became the king of England.
- He joined the League of Augsburg.
- Together the countries equaled France's strength.
Treaty of Utrecht was signed
Louis cancels the Edict of Nantes
Louis became king
Death of Cardinal Mazarin
Louis' grandson became the king of Spain
Louis sends army to the Dutch Netherlands
- In 1672 he led an army into the Dutch Netherlands.
- But the Dutch saved their country by opening dikes and flooding the countryside.
- He became king after the death of his father, Louis XIII.
- He was only four years old when he became king.
- The costly war was dragged to 1714.
- The treaty of Utrecht was signed in that year.
- Louis' grandson was allowed to remain king of Spain so long as thrones of France and Spain were not united.
- Cardinal Mazarin died in 1661
- Louis took control of the government himself. (22 years old)
- In 1685, he canceled the Edict of Nantes.
(Edict of Nantes:- protected the religious freedom of Huguenots)
- In response, thousands of Huguenot artisans and business people fled the country.
- In 1700, the king of Spain Charles II died.
- Louis' 16 year old grandson, Philip of Anjou became the king of Spain.