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Canadian Environmental Policy: The Federal-Provincial Jurisdictional conflict over Alberta's Oil and Gas Policy

Alberta Energy Policy

Tensions are most apparent between the Federal government and Provinces whose economic well being is intricately tied to resource development projects (Boardman, 1992).

Trends in Federal Jurisdiction

The Issue:

"Alberta Environmental Policy is Energy Policy"

Federal-Provincial jurisdiction surrounding environmental matters is unclear and up to interpretation because there are no specific provisions in the Canadian Constitution Act of 1867.

  • The emergence of Federal involvement 1969-1972
  • The Federal Retreat 1972-1985
  • The Second Wave of Federal Involvement

Thesis Question

How will the ongoing Federal-Provincial conflict over environmental jurisdiction affect Alberta’s energy policy, in particular, the oil sands development?

Additional Questions:

How will corporate energy projects, such as, the Enbridge Northern Gateway Pipeline effect Alberta's environmental jurisdiction?

In Alberta, are there any noticeable trends in regards to natural resource extraction and increasing or decreasing environmental regulation?

Judicial Decisions:

Regina v. Crown Zellerbach Canada Ltd, et al. (1988)

Oldman River Society v. Alberta Minister of the Environment (1987-1990)

Canadian Wildlife Federation v. Canada (1989)

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