Communications Theory
Object Relations Theory
- issues related to problematic or functional communication
- levels of communication
- verbal
- nonverbal
- family resistance to change
- impact of early family experiences
- role of anxiety
- addressing family strengths
- tapping into yearning for closeness and caring
Bowenian Family Systems Therapy
Multisystems Approach to Family Therapy
- goal: differentiation
- balance thinking and feeling
- autonomy
- to be intimate without sacrificing individuality
- explores the roles in the family
- helps family understand their family system
- recognize that families live in complex multisystem environments
- takes into consideration all of the challenges that inhibit ability to cope
- work on coping strategies
- link family with wider support systems
Systems Theory
Big Ideas
- complex history
- dramatic transition from focusing on the individual to focusing on the family
- looking at family roles
- living systems
- structures that shape the family, roles, and communication system
- Bowen
- balance of self and other
- differentiation of self
- multigenerational transition process
- emotional reactivity
family is an essential part of an individual
- figuring in belief systems and cultures
- increasing protective factors
- coping strategies
- resilience
strengths Approach
- addressing family strengths
- uses education to help families with a person with mental illness
- resiliency-based
- solution-focused therapy
- emphasis on the future
Psychoeducational Approaches to Family Counseling
- counselor will educate and provide support for family dealing with difficult situation
- families need appropriate info and skills to deal with a challenge
- improve family leadership
- helps family to cope with illness in the family
Van Hook Part II:
Approaches to Social Work Practice with Families