Hearth Story: Islam
- Founded by the word of Muhammad, God's final prophet.
- Born in Makkah (Saudi Arabia) about 570 A.D.
- Received first revelation from Angel Gabriel.
- Began preaching the word of God
- The Qur'an: holiest text in Islam
Origin, Diffusion, and Distribution of Islam
The Ottoman Empire
- Perfect example of hierarchical diffusion: forced conversion.
- Those that did not convert were exiled or killed.
Muslims Invade Europe
- In the year 711, Muslims conquer Spain and Portugal.
- Generous Surrender
- In 1492, the reconquista occurred.
The Mughal Empire
- This empire brought Islam to South Asia.
- Responsible for building the Taj Mahal
98% Muslim
Diffusion of Islam
- Muhammad's followers soon organized into armies
- Through military conquest, Islam spread throughout:
- North Africa
- Arabia
- Middle East
- N.W. India
- Did Islam help Muslims expand power, or did Muslim conquest spread Islam?
51% Muslim