Routine Activities Theory
Who Came Up With This Theory
When was it used
- Marcus Felson and Lawrence Cohen
- Felson stated "everyday legal activities set the stage for illegal activities that feed on them."
- Tries to show their are patterns to being a criminal
What is The Routine Activities Theory
- developed in 1979
- used to try and reduce the amount of crime by looking at certain group
- The routine activities theory that focuses on situations of crime.
- Unaffected by social causes such as poverty, inequality, and unemployment.
Why do we use this
- Locate patterns to who are the offenders
- assessing characteristics
- Get into the minds of the offenders
- Jordan , M. (n.d.). Routine activity theory. Retrieved from
- A theory of crime problems. (n.d.). Retrieved from
- The thought that there is a specific pattern to offenders of crime
- certain "attractive" targets are usually preyed upon
- The offenders are usually known by the victim