After World War II .....
the United States was the world's
most powerful nation. Americans were ready to forget about World War II and get
back to the good times!
Does this remind you of another era we studied?
Did you notice that all of the images were about consumer goods?
After World War II ended,
the Baby Boom began.
The Birth rate in the United States jumped
Between 1946 and 1964 over 79 million babies were born in the US
What do you think was going on in the United States when the birth rate
dropped to 9 million?
If you guessed that it was the Great Depression - You're Right!!
education and job training
Guaranteed low interest loans to buy homes
Guaranteed an income for the first year
if the soldier was unemployed
Help finding a job
Soldiers came home and bought houses, started families and purchased consumer products
college wasn't just for rich people anymore
With the end of WWII, the Baby Boom and the G.I. Bill families were looking for space to grow
This need for space was met
by the creation of suburbs
Suburbs are housing
areas where people live
outside the city –
but still work there
Developers like Bill Levit responded to the demand for affordable housing by applying assembly line ideas to the home building process
Mr. Levit used standardized parts and specialized construction crews
(workers would move from site to site, completing their one task)
Levittown became famous for the way they quickly built suburban homes –
in assembly line fashion - like Henry Ford,
only the workers moved instead of the houses
This is Ms. Phelan’s house, it was build in 1957,
in the style of a Levittown home.
Levittown was one of the first examples of the new style of living – the suburb
This quick and efficient way of building was soon copied by other builders, creating a massive supply of affordable housing.
Watch this commercial, think about why the woman would need a car......
Post-War Consumerism - Presentation #1
Do you see ..........
The house?
The car?
How do the people look?
Look carefully at the next few images to see
what you can learn about the 1950's
Post War Consumerism
Developers like Bill Levit responded to this demand by applying assembly line ideas to home building
He used standardized parts and specialized construction crews
(workers would move from site to site, completing their one task)
Levittown became famous for the way they quickly built suburban homes – in assembly line fashion
The G.I. Bill provided...................
The G.I. Bill
Soldiers could come home and go to college because of the GI Bill
The GI Bill forever changed education
in the United States
The G.I. Bill made it possible for returning soldiers to easily
fit into civilian life
Where did they get the money to buy all the new things the factories were producing?
Many soldiers came home and got married.
In this new consumer culture there were lots of things to buy.
What was happening
in the
United States after
World War II
Yes, this is a real picture of Ms. Phelan's home.
The title of the commercial "Automobiles Influence the Suburbs"
The Suburbs
Soldiers came home, married and started families.
The Baby Boom
Every structure was a work of art
This room is so awesome that the entire room was re-made inside a museum so everyone could visit it!!!
A House Called Falling Water
Falling Water:
The Opposite of a Levittown Home
Frank Lloyd Wright was an architect.
He designed amazing one of a kind homes.
Click forward to take another look at the chart while you think.
Locate Presentation #2 to Continue...........