Anna, 29 - Recruiter
Sarah, 21 - Job seeker
Josh, 40 - Delivery Project Executive
Karlo, 35 - Hiring Manager
Hiring Manager Availability
Status Update
Watson Recruitment
Niche roles
Status Update
Status Update
- How can I get an available schedule from the hiring manager?
- Where do I start?
- How can I apply?
- Where will I apply?
- How will I be able to find these candidates?
- Will there be enough qualified candidates?
- Pinpoint the BEST Talent!
Requisition Prioritization
I hope I get the job I'm looking for soon..
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius
Let's reinvent the way recruitment is delivered!
Niche roles
Volume Hire
Priority of Candidates
- Increase recruiter efficiency
- Hiring Manager Availability
- High Volume Assessment
- Pipelining
Can't wait to go on vacay with my family!
- Application process
- Qualification
- Resources to Consult
Shared a Link
Shared a Link
Shared a Link
Priority of Candidates
- When will I receive updates from the recruiter?
Resources to Consult
Social Listening
- Real-time workforce insights
- How will I be able to manage my pipeline?
- Who should I contact to raise my concerns?
- What are the next steps of the application process?
Precision Talent Model
Shared a Photo
Shared a Photo
New job soon! thanks to my recruiter, Anna and
IBM Watson Candidate Assistant!
Precision Talent Model
Faye Jackson