- Workers pushed to work harder
- Go faster, but do it right
- Hot, little air circulation
- Smoke, dust, dirt
- Majority of African Americans worked at Rouge factory - physically demanding, grueling
- 1920 - 16,000 African Americans on Ford payroll
- Many immigrants hired
- Small metal badges as ID required to enter
- Some wore badges everywhere
"Good luck, Mr. Ford. It will take a hundred years to tell whether you have helped us or hurt us, but you certainly didn't leave us like you found us." -Will Rogers, Actor
The best of times?
The worst of times?
Wage & Hours
The best of times
- Changed standards
- Innovations in technology
- Lower prices for consumers
- Workers paid $5 a day
- 8-hour day
- 40-hour work week
- Edsel Ford becomes president Jan. 1 1919
- Ford buys Lincoln Motor Co. in 1922
- 1923 - Ford produces more than half of America's autos
- Late 1920s - Ford has over 20 overseas factories
Working in the Ford Motor Co. Factory in the 1920s