- Audio tape-to control cadence of one push up every 3 sec.
Procedure of test....
Fitness gram Push up Test
- Find a partner
- Student being tested lies face down on the ground with hands under shoulders;
-fingers stretched
-legs straight, parallel to the floor and slightly apart
-toes tucked under the feet.
- At start command the student pushes up with arms until they are straight.
- legs and back should be kept straight throughout test.
- Student then lowers body using the arms until bent at 90 degrees angle and upper arms are parallel to the floor.
- This action is repeated as many times as possible, following the cadence of 1 rep. every 3 sec.
- The test continues until the student cannot maintain the pace or demonstrates poor form.
- Record the number of pushups performed.
Equipment used:
Please fill out consent forms and information handout.
Purpose of test
Measures students upper-body strength and endurance.
What is Fitness gram?
- Health-related criteria-referenced standard.
- Sets fitness standards for students at ages 5-17+
- To complete as many push ups as possible.
- One repetition every 3 seconds.