Chapter 18 Braiding and Braid Extensions
Historically, the first highly decorative braids were seen among African tribes. Many of these tribes, such as Zulu, were and still are identified by their distinctive hairstyles. As early as 3000 BC, Egyptian women wore braids or plaits decorated with shells,sequins, and glass or gold beads.
Turn in review questions at the end of this chapter with defined words
What am I Learning ?
Define the following:
How to Prepare the hair for braiding.
The procedures for cornrowing.
Why Should I Learn This?
fishtail braid
invisible braid
natural hairstyling
overhand technique
rope braid
single braid
underhand technique
visible braid
- These services are very popular and consumers are interested in wearing styles specific to their hair texture
- These techniques provide opportunity for stylists to express their artistic abilities
- All stylist should be prepared to work within every culture
How will I use this ?
In The Beauty Industry to provide a service in high demand that crosses cultural boundaries.
How will I be assessed?
Chapter 18 workbook and practical assignment