Jovian or Terrestrial
How long it takes to rotate
- Takes Neptune 15 hours 57 minutes and 59 seconds to rotate on its axis
How did Neptune get it's name?
- roman god
- bluish coloring
- god of the sea
- Jovian
- 80% hydrogen
-19% helium
-contains small amount water and methane
Size of Neptune
- smallest of the gas planets
- fourth largest in system
How long it take to orbit sun
- Takes 164.79 years to orbit
- 165 times longer than earth orbiting the sun
Moon or Rings?
work cited
Interesting Facts About Neptune." Universe Today. N.p., 08 Dec. 2008. Web. 15 May 2015. <
"Neptune Facts - Planet Neptune - Neptune For Kids." Neptune Facts - Planet Neptune - Neptune For Kids. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2015. <>.
- 13 moons
- largest moon=triton
- 3 main rings-faint
Gravity on Neptune
- If you were to weigh 100 pounds, on Neptune you would weigh 110 pounds.
Unique Facts
- volcanoes on moons
- most distance planet
- surface gravity almost earth like
- coldest planet
- strongest winds in solar system
Siri K and Lilly O