Presented By:
Bayani, Louie Dave
Lopez, Gio Mark
Romanes, Raniline
Sarmiento Allan Paul
Submitted To:
Engr. Alex Caparas
SAP1 (Simple-As-Possible) Computer
Control Unit
- Accumulator
- B register
- Adder-subtracter
I/O unit
- Input programming switches
- Output port
- Binary display
Output Register
Binary display
- 2’s complement adder-subtracter
- When SU is low, S = A + B
- When SU is high, S = A + B’
- When EU is high, the content appears on the W bus
- Often called the output port
- When EA is high & L’O is low , the next (+) clock edge loads the accumulator word into the output registe
- Row of 8 LEDs
- Each LED connects to 1 flip-flop (FF) of the output port
- The 12 bits coming out of the CS form a word that controls the rest of the computer.
- The 12 wires carrying the control word are called CONTROL BUS.
- The CS sends out control words on during each T STATE.
- These words are like directions telling the rest of the computer what to do.
B Register
Instruction Register
- There are 16 memory locations and each location contains an 8 bit of data.
- Another 8-bit wide buffer register
- Used in arithmetic operations
- When L’Bis low & (+) clock edge, the word on the W bus will be loaded
- Loads the content of the addressed memory location through the W bus
- Upper nibble goes directly to the Controller-Sequencer
- Lower nibble is read onto the W bus when needed
- The MAR stores 4 bit address of data and instruction which are placed in memory.
- When SAP-1 is running mode, the 4 bit address is generated by the PC which is then stored into the MAR through W bus.
- a bit later, the MAR applies this 4 bit address to the RAM, where Data or instruction is read from RAM.
- Program counte
- Input & MAR
- Instruction Register
- Controller Sequencer
- Control word format
- Accumulator
- Adder-Subtracter
- B Register
- Output Register
- Binary Display
Control word format
Program counter
- Buffer register
- 8-bit wide
- When EAis high, the content appears on the W bus
- Generated by 4-bit Program Counter, that counts from 0000 to 1111 (total of 16 memory locations).
- This word determines how the registers will react to the next positive CLK edge
- Ex. EP = high, L’M = low – mean that the contents of PC are latched into the MAR on the next (+) clock edge
- Ex. CE’= low, L’A = low – mean that the addressed RAM word will be transferred to the accumulator on the next (+) clock edge
- Ex SUB 2H
- Subtracts the content of memory location 2H from the accumulator content, save the result to the accumulator
- Content of R3 is loaded to B
- Transfer the accumulator content to the output port
- Tells the computer to stop processing data
- Ex ADD 3H
- Adds the content of memory location 3H to the accumulator content, save the result to the accumulator
- Content of R3 is loaded to B
Memory-reference instructions
Not Memory-reference instructions
- Load the accumulator
- Ex LDA 5H (R5 = 1010 1111)
- A = 1010 1111
Instruction Set
Fetch Cycle
- upward compatible with the 8080/8085 instruction set
- The next three states (T4, T5, & T6) are the EXECUTION CYCLE of SAP 1.
- The register transfers during the execution cycle depend on the particular instruction being executed.
- The T1 state is called the ADDRESS STATE because the address in the PC is transferred to the MAR during this state.
- The T2 state is called the INCREMENT STATE because the PC is incremented.
- The T3 state is called the MEMORY STATE because the addressed RAM instruction is transferred from the memory to the IR.
- The address, increment & memory states are called the FETCH CYCLE of SAP 1.
- The CONTROL UNIT is the key to a computer's automatic operation. The CU generates the control words that fetch and execute each instruction.
- While each instruction is fetched and executed, the computer passes through different TIMING STATES (T states) time intervals during which register contents change.
- Ring counter has an output of T = T6 T5 T4 T3 T2 T1
- Each ring word represents one T STATE.
- The ring counter produces 6 T states. Each instruction is FETCHED & EXECUTED during these 6 T states.