"A Rose for Emily"
A short-story, by William Faulkner (1930)
- A main idea/thesis
- Key points
Close Reading Strategy: Guiding Questions
- What is the tone?
- What is the pattern of organization?
- Who is speaking?
- What is the plot?
- Who are the characters?
- Is there tension or conflict?
- What are the main points?
- Are supportting details used?
- How are details presented?
Pre-Reading Strategy: Making Predictions
Title: "A Rose for Emily"
Genre: Fiction; textual
Medium: Short-story
Theme/motif: Southern gothic
- Title
- Five Sections
- Anything else?
Can you predict what this story might be about?
Did you know that the ability to use a computer to write a paper or the internet to conduct resdearch is a literacey? It is called "digital literacy." Another helpful "literacy" to become in which to become fluent has to do with the ability to listen closely--picking up main ideas, key details and supports.
Pre-Reading Strategy: Background Information
- American South
- Southern Gothic
- "Decay" of the American South
Other info:
- the 1949 Nobel Prize in Literature
- Served US Army during WWI
- Alcoholic