Match your partner
- Now there's a fine line between matching your partner, and looking creepy and weird. Don't go overboard, pick one or two items to match, like their tie colour, or matching blazers
- No bright colours. I'm not saying that you should only wear neutrals, but you know, neons should probably be avoided
- No sunglasses, hats or bandanas. Obviously.
- Try to look presentable. You know how long it takes you to get ready in the morning. Wake up accordingly
- No active wear. Please? I know they're comfortable, but save the sweats for sleeping
You know how your mom used to say, don't judge a book by it's cover? Well I'm sorry to say that in DECA, first impressions are pretty important. Judges see hundreds of kids just like you all day, so you want to stand out. Your ideas and how you present them will do that, but your clothes will definitely help. If you violate the DECA Dress Code and/or Code of Conduct, you will be deducted 10 to 25 points, for each violation. That's a lot of points for something that can easily be avoided. I can almost assure you that everyone that gets up on that stage to receive their medals did NOT violate these codes, so even if you do AMAZING on your role play and your written exam, you probably WON'T be going to Internationals if you break the rules. No pressure or anything, you know, just keep that in mind. :)
- xoxo Lina
- Less is always more when it comes to makeup. You want to look pretty, but remember that this is DECA, not a party. Simple and neutral colours are your friends
- It doesn't matter what you do with your hair as long as you keep it out of your face. Never touch your hair while you're presenting in front of a judge
DECA 2013 Dress Code
- Jewelry is always nice, just you know, be tasteful about it. We're in Toronto, don't encourage people to mug you
- Watches are encouraged, they are always helpful during your case study
- You don't need a briefcase or anything like that, but you should bring a clipboard or portfolio, some sort of flat surface to write on
These babies are your BEST FRIEND. Seriously though, grab yourself a pair of these, you can thank me later.
Remember that your name tag/badge must be on you and VISIBLE at all times. Always. Seriously.
- No casual shoes, sneakers flip-flops, UGGS... you get the idea
- Closed toe shoes are preferred, but not necessary
- Flats are allowed
- Stockings/socks are encouraged (No white socks. Ever.)
- If you buy a new pair of shoes, remember to break them in. Beauty may be pain, but since you will be walking around in them for at least a few hours, I'd maybe forgo that saying and find something comfortable to wear
(I'm going to need a few slides for this one...)
Personally, I'm a dress-wearing DECA kind of girl, but these can be just as tricky, if not more so, then skirts
- Same rules apply for dress length as skirts, so I won't say them again (don't make me regret this decision)
- Blazers are optional, but remember that if your dress doesn't cover your shoulders, wear a blazer and KEEP it on
- Professional. Remember that word. Dress accordingly
Always the safest, and arguably best option
- No cargo style or denim of any colour
- The hem should just touch your shoes
- Your pants should match the colour of your blazer if you are wearing one
Don't get me wrong. I love wearing skirts, but you need to be VERY careful with this one
- They MUST come down to your knees. None of that, 1/2 an inch above the knee business. TO YOUR KNEES LADIES!
- If they ride up when you walk, if the slit up the side/back goes an inch above your knees, if you think they might be too short. LEAVE. THEM. AT. HOME.
- Your skirts should be comfortable, but they should NOT be like a second skin. No bandage skirts or any other skin-tight clothes
- Stocking or pantyhose are no longer required, but strongly recommended
- This is the main thing judges will deduct points for. They are not lenient about skirt length, so please be smart about it
- Professional blouse. This can be a button-up shirt, a silk top, maybe even a plain cotton-blend shirt... you get the idea. Just make sure that your shoulders are covered
- Blazers are always nice, but not necessary
- Remember to IRON your clothes. I trust you know the reasons for that
- Oh, and cleavage? None of that. Thank you.