Community Engagement at USQ Library 2017 and Beyond: developing capacity and building understanding of community engagement at USQ Library
Economic Productivity
Accessing Resources
- Provide equipment such as 3D printers, 3D scanners, craft supplies and electronics consumables, develop capacity
- Provide workshops
- Where appropriate, provide How-to videos and media for distance students
- Collaboration, not competition is key. Make mutually beneficial partnerships with:
- (Community) Toowoomba Hackerspace
- (Council) Toowoomba Hackerspace
- Stratergenics
- Schools:
- Concordia Lutheran College (Looking at holding a Makerspace Day Camp in 2017, also have their own Makerspace
- Dream Factory (Pilot program to put Makerspaces in schools in Qld)
- USQ Bodies: Residential Colleges, Ellipsis Media, Engineering and Science.
- Toowoomba Starters and Canvas Co-working
- 3D printing basics to advanced
- 3D scanning basics
- 3D modelling basics to advanced
- Make yourself into a mythical creature with 3D scanning, 3D modelling and 3D printing
- Make a cactus with a 3D printed pen
- Learn how to knit
- Learn how to crochet
- Costume building for college events such as 'Semi-Formal'
- Learn basic woodworking
- Learn arduino basics
- Wearable technology: Learn how to use arduino with addressable LEDs
- Learn to combine 3D printing and arduino
- Make a terrarium with 3D printed figurines
- Micro-Flower Arranging Photography with Microscopes
Educational Attainment
Idea Building
Stephanie Piper
- Provide workshops and talks at low-cost or free to address disadvantage
- Provide non-formal education through a 'Code Club' or 'USQ MOOC Club'
- Allow self-directed learning & experimentation, free use of the space
- 'Challenge' style competition events to solve a problem, inquiry-based learning
- Become a GovHack Makernode to solve real-world, Toowoomba-relevant issues.
Health and Wellbeing
Civic Engagement
- Emotional Health: De-stress programs and workshops in the lead up to exams, for example, mindfulness, colouring in, craft/knitting/crochet for mature age students etc.
- Fitness-related projects such as adding LEDs or USB charger to a pushbike.
- Allow input from students and community to direct USQ Makerspace's equipment and workshops
- Host talks on societal issues
- Combine groups to strengthen each other, for example, USQ science and engineering clubs, cultural and academic clubs.
Cultural Participation
Community Development
Hackerspaces Wiki
Creative Spaces Impact Framework
- Invite guests (visiting experts, exchange students, members of the local community) to share knowledge through talks or workshops.
- Host celebration-specific events to commemorate community milestones and achievements.
- Organise productive meetups, similar to Brisbane Jelly at The Edge SLQ
- Introduce potential collaborative projects for students to work on as a team. Eg. build a Delta Rostock 3D Printer/Battlebot/Autonomous Vehicle
- Let the community donate required recycled materials for workshops, eg. Tin can upcycled dumbbells with 3D printed parts.
- Meet needs of the community by assisting with college community garden projects by designing planters, programming automatic watering, building vertical gardens etc.
- There are currently 1288 active hackerspaces across the globe.
- Most of these begin with the helping hand of the Hackerspace Wiki 'Design Patterns'
- These are an often-updated list of 'tried and true' methods for hackerspace management and approaches which have and haven't worked in a variety of subjects.
- This is the largest aggregation of evidence-based practice and has a large body of authors and associated discussion.
- 'The Impact of Libraries as Creative Spaces', the USQ Strategic Plan and the Hackerspaces wiki are valuable resources for developing a 2017 USQ Makerspace plan.
- 'The Impact of Libraries' report outlines evidence-based practice in this area well. It also provides a useful framework for approaching capacity building and building engagement.
Future Perspectives
Education Objective 2:
"Deploy learning environments that
are student-centred, authentic,
cooperative and engaging; and
supported by an extended range
of high quality resources, facilities
and technologies."
- USQ Toowoomba Makerfaire
- Become an authority in the Maker Movement
- Host a Queensland Makerspace/Fab Lab/Hackerspace Conference
Libraries are transforming
- Libraries in the digital age need to find new ways to continue to be a valuable source of knowledge for the community
- Makerspaces provide this same environment for self-directed learning in a different format.