Life Goals Essay
In this paper you will tell your readers about some of the goals you have set for your life.
You will discuss:
1. Who you would like to become
2. What you would like to achieve in school and beyond
3. What career you are guiding yourself toward
4. What you would like to be "known for"
5. What you have already achieved or what you are engaged in
6. What you plan to do to turn your goals into realities
Prewriting Activity
List as many goals as you can in each column
Prioritze Goals:
Choose top 2 goals for each category
Brainstorm: come up with a GPA plan for your goals
Select Audience, purpose and form
In your writing:
1. Discuss and explain your academic, professional, and personal goals
2. include an explanation of past and presentendeavors that have already had an impact on your attainment of these goals
3. Identify your plan for continuing to work toward your goals this school year
4. Discuss your specific goals for success in high school