State Farm's customer service
Target Audience
Social Media Zones
Social Communities
Ages 18 to 34
Use social media to attract target audience
Consumers trust consumers
Agents utilizing social media
Specific guidelines to communicating on
their social media platforms
- 89% of people ages 18-29 yr's old use social media
- 82% of people ages 30-49 use social media
- 67% of people ages 18-29 use cell phones
- 50% of people ages 30-49 use cell phones
Share positive experiences
Promote the value of their products
- Facebook users get the most support from social ties
- 62% of millennials want brands to engage with them on social media
Social media platform plug-ins
Experience Strategy
As a Licensed Sales Representative I:
- Online data is tracked to monitor effectiveness of social media investments
- Every follower, subscriber, like, re-tweet, and comment helps build the brand
- All social media sites have links to the official web page, further increasing their site traffic!
Activation Plan
- Utilize personal social media
The Group's Recommendation
We recommend that State Farm utilizes:
- Facebook- most used social media site, easier to connect to consumers
- Tumblr- more ways for State Farm to share their ideas creatively
- Twitter- Short and clever way to get ideas across
- Stay connected with online interactions (Comments, Status Updates, Videos, Etc.)
- Agents are encouraged to post positive content or experiences
- State Farm can measure their success on pure traffic volume!
- Help value and benefit the company
- Facebook used almost exclusively
- Encourage customer engagement
1. How did the plan start off?
2. Implementing the plan
3. Scheduling social media actions
4. Budget for 2013
5. Consistency
Situation Analysis
Marketing Objectives
SWOT Analysis
- State Farm's current business plan is to be the leader in insurance products.
- State Farm does not utilize Social media as much as it could
- State Farm's competitors are Allstate, Geico, and Progessive
- Recent revenue gains have been
based on investments rather
than underwriting
- Strong Net Worth &
- Brand Recognition
- Agents strategy is to achieve sales growth and community exposure by using social media.
- Through social media utilization, state farm wants to connect with the current policy holder and increase their exposure to potential clients.
- Building a more interactive customer relationship via campaigns, giveaways, contests, etc.
- Americans are driving less and making use of car sharing apps more.
- As miles driven continues to plateau, there will be less demand for car insurance
- The largest demographic cohort is 20 to 24-year olds, this will soon by demanding State Farm's core products
State Farm Insurance Co.