Manual Distractions
Manual Distractions
This is taking your hands off the wheel
What are some examples?
- Doing your makeup
- Eating
- Reaching for something
- Texting
- Changing the station
Talk to your partner what you would of done if you were in this scenario and what type of distraction this is considered?
This is when you take your eyes off the road
Can you come up with some examples?
Talk to your partner what you would of done if you were in this scenario?React out what you would of answered and how you would of acted? What type of distraction this is?
- Reading Billboard signs
- Pedestrians
- Social Media
- Passengers
There are three different ways that we can become distracted while we are driving
What are ways to avoid distractions?
(talk to groups)
- Visual Distractions
- Manual Distractions
- Cognitive Distractions
We will be acting out one of the types of distractions and you will have to identify them
- Lack of experience/ practice
- Lack of education
- Lack of realization of importance
- Lack of attention
- Not responsible enough
We are the future teen drivers, so let's make reckless driving no longer a problem.
Pair Work
5.) What message do you think we were trying to get across with these videos?
4.) What do you conclude about teen reckless driving? (talk to groups)
Cognitive Distractions
Cognitive Distractions
This is taking your mind off what you are doing
Talk to your partners about the bad driving habits that drive them crazy:
Lack of Education
- Focuses more on passing the test and getting your license
- Focuses less on how to problem solve on the road
List some examples
- Passengers
- Daydreaming
- Being tired
- Feeling Depressed
- Being Worried
- Being in a hurry
- Focusing on the music
- Driving while distractions
- Not using turn signals correctly
- Racing
- Tailgating
- Not paying attentions to lights
- Driving to slow
- Driving to fast
Talking About the Picture.
- Pressure into speeding
- Pressure into not wearing seat belt
- Pressure into drinking and driving
- Pressure into drifting
3.) By looking at this picture what can you say about it? Why do you think he got stopped? What do you think the guy did to get a ticket?
We are going to be playing some songs and you tell us if they are good to play?
- 98% of the time that teens listen to their music, poor driving is shown
- when normal music is playing, the habits decrease by up to 20%
What is Reckless driving?
1.) Why does having more than one teen in a car increase the risk of getting into an accident?
2.) Why do you think girls are more likely to become distracted than boys?
The Facts
- Girls are 10% more likely to become distracted
- Technology is to blame for 28% of these accidents
- More than one teen in a car increases the risk
- There have been reports that have found traffic accidents the leading cause of deaths from ages 15 to 19.
What if?
Facts Continued
•If you are speeding then you can receive or just reckless driving then you can receive penalties such as license suspension.
•If you have bad attendance record. There is to be submitted a written statement or determination with your application in order to get your drivers license
•If you pass a red light. You can cause and car accident or even death
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that you have to be a minimum of 15 ½ years of age to apply for a learners permit.
- To get a full licensure you must be 18 years of age with 1 year clean driving record.
- Mainly males under the age of 25 that are three times more likely to die in a traffic accident than a female.
- Driving without due care and attention and is often punishable by fines, imprisonment, and/or driver's license suspension or revocation.
Why do you think this is true?
- "Every 15 minutes a teen dies in a car accident"
- The annual cost in our nation for these crashes is $30 billion.
- Teens are four times more likely to die in a car accident than any adult.
Teen Reckless Driving
By: Marlen Escobedo, Amy Gomez, Ana Parra, Itzel Quintero