How to make it work for you!
- often people remeber the chart from the Canadian food guide but never any of the messages/information along with it
- The Health Canada website includes games, photos and varying activies to beifit ones health
- The Food guide is taught to children in Grade 3 and it should be taught in grade 3 through to grade 8 along
- super markets need to have food experts to help us shop!
- labeling the content
Idea 3
Idea 4
- 7-8 servings of fruits and veggies (carbs)
- 6-8 serving of grain (carbs)
- 2 servings of meat and alternatives (protein)
- 2 servings of milk and alternatives (fat)
- 1 serving of fat (fat)
=13-16 serving of carbs, 2 serving of protein and 3 serving of fats
The canadian food guide
The Importance of balancing macronutrients
- Grow (especially important for children, teens and pregnat women.
- tissue repair
- immune function
- making essential hormones and enzymes
- energy when carbohydrates are not available
- preserving lean muscle mass
- The canadian food guide directly effects Canadian all across the country and it inadequately explains proper nutrition without a bias
What are Macronutrients
Marco- "Large"
Nutrients- substances needed for growth, metabolism, and for other body functions. Therefore Macronutrients are needed in large amounts
- normal growth and development
- energy (fat is the most concentrated source of energy
- absorbing certain vitamins (A,D,E,K & carotenoids)
- providing cushioning for the organs
- mantaining cell membranes
- providing taste, consistency and stability to foods
there are three macronutrients
Curruption and history of the food guide
- the food guide was created during WW1 to create rationing
- has been redeveloped over the years but not without a bias
- 25% of the people helping to redevelop the food guide were employed by corperations that would directly profit from the changes made to the food guide
- The BC Dairy Industry, Vegetable & Oil Industry, and PepsiCo, Frito-Lay and Coca-Cola all
- had persons that represented their interests Children are encouraged to drink 3 cups of milk or milk alternatives.
- 8oz chocolate milk contains 24g of sugar
- A Childs daily recommendation is 22grams
- Carbohydrates are the body's main source of fule.
- they can be stored in the muscles and liver and later used for energy.
- Carbohydrates are mainly found in starchy foods (like grain and potatoes), fruits, milk yogurt,
- they can be found in other foods like vegetable, beans, nuts, seeds and cheese but in lesser amounts
pros v.s cons
- The most up to date info will then be avaliable to Canadians
- Canadians can make better health related decisions that lead to better health
- information can be explained in an easier format
- It will take a longer time for people to understand the new food guide
- the major food industries like meat, grain, dairy and sugar will oppose the chances due to profit
Why balance macronutrients?
- Do not allow anyone that is profiting to sit on the committee
- Have changes reviewed by a third party who is has a pre-existed understanding of food and nutrition to ensre that it is uptodate
- Carbs control insulin
- glycose (carbs) are inflammatory
- saturated fats (omega-3) prevent oxidative damage
- abundant protein aids cells in becoming Keto-adapted (able to convert protein into energy)/
The Canadain Food Guide