Liquidity Risk on Banking Sector
Analysis of our results / Research limitations
- Banks should not have gone through the crisis smoothly
- The survival of the banks was made possible by the injection of liquidity from the French State
- These ratios failed at alerting the ability of banks to meet their deadline and need massive state support
- We can doubt the usefulness and performance of these ratios and especially their method of calculation
- It appears empirically that these ratios have not proved their usefulness or predicted the crisis
Thanks for your attention
I. Key notions & problematic
II. Methodology
III. Findings
IV. Research limitations
- Quantitative research and numerical data analysis
- Study of indicators and ratios of BNP, CA and SG
- Evolution before liquidity problems arise, implementation of financial instruments and changes of tones and content in the sections dedicated to risks
Total Regulatory Capital Ratio
- Banks are “Basel II-ready” and deal with this new type of regulation
- The problems faced by banks during the global financial crisis were illiquidity issues
- By increasing its complexity, Pillar I does not make the regulation more accurate
- Banks are ready to switch to Basel III liquidity ratios
- They have retained a backup of security in the event of a strong liquidity crisis
- Solidity of the business model
- Banks have maintained constant liquidity reserves and still increase them 10 years after the crisis
Gross amount of HQLA (in Millions of €)
- Banks felt that the reserves were sufficient to withstand a liquidity shock
- Did the banks managed to keep the same proportion of cash outflows within 30 days ?
- The LCR, through the period, would at best remain and at worst and deteriorate significantly
- Banks have maintained constant liquidity reserves through the crisis despite the financing problems already raised
- Improved their ratio of stable long-term funds
- Strong sign of resilience and robustness and ability to take measures to ensure liquidity even before the regulator imposes its indicators
A close relationship between financial crisis and liquidity
- Subprime crisis => real estate bubble burst
- Impact on the financial market Banks liquidated assets on financial market but those lost value
=> 2008 banking crisis
Ability of banks to liquidate its positions with no negative impact
on the market to get cash
Three streams of liquidity :
1) clients' savings
2) funds raisings
3) interbank market
- High interconnectedness between banks
- May lead to SYSTEMIC RISK => contagion and domino effect
Prudential ratios in Basel Committee
Did the prudential standards set up by Basel III
improve the liquidity of French banks?
- Basel I, II, III => cash requirements + liquidity and leverage ratios
- A very powerful approach to defining risk
- Where do they come from, how to calculate them?
Did the prudential standards set up by Basel III improve the liquidity of French banks?