For Thursday...
- Read the rest of Chapter 5
- Bring laptop/smartphone
Organizational and Rhetoric
- On the job
- How will you dress for your job?
- Persuading others
Dating and Marriage
- What is attractive to you in a partner?
- Dating short-term vs. long-term
- Same level
- Friends
Applying this knowledge
- What steps do you take daily to increase your level of attractiveness?
- What steps do you take for special occasions?
- Get into your groups
- Pull up your social media
- Find 3 pictures of yourself surrounded by different people
- Discuss how the different surroundings effect the level of attractiveness
Our Body
- Indicators
- Interpersonal encounters
- Teacher to student
- Traits
- Any questions about group project?
- Reflection #4 is coming up in a week
Disclaimer: This section is not to make you feel unattractive or that you have no options if you see yourself as unattractive. This is only information these scholars have done on this area of research.
Each and everyone one of you are amazing people!
Effects of Physical Characteristics on Human Communication
In your groups...
- Group one: Find interview of celebrity when he/she is young vs older
- Group two: Find picture/video of celebrity on stage vs. casual setting
- Group three: Find celebrity that is attractive to you of a different ethnicity than you
Context, Stereotypes, Standards
- Stage vs. living room
- Self-ratings vs. perceived attractiveness
- Youth vs. Elderly
Self-Esteem &
Antisocial Behavior
- Personal perception of attractiveness = varied levels of overall happiness
- Criminal acts
- Jury's decisions