7th Century Muhammad of Mecca
by Raina Sprock
- Muhammad began receiving revelations at age 40
- The message was about the unity of god, the rejection of polytheism, the idea of generosity, kindness, and equality which resemble the Pillars of islam
Wikipedia contributors. "Muhammad in Mecca." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 6 Apr. 2016. Web. 6 Apr. 2016.
- Muhammad was an Islamic prophet
- He was born in Mecca
- He lived in Mecca for 52 years
- He lived from 570-632 A.D.
- Christianity began to take form in 7th Century
- In the East Christianity maintained structure and evolved more slowly
- Eastern emperors were forced to stay in balance with West which will help the spread of Christianity in the Middle Ages
- During this time Christianity was spreading
- Christianity had a conflict with Islam in the Middle East
- The Roman and Persian Wars 92-627 AD
- After Muhammad's death there was a big push to conquer arab tribes
Similarities to Other Religions
- belief about god
- and Judaism and Islam are similar in the belief in the oneness of god
- contact with the divine