Reflexive Pronouns
1st Person singular - Myself
2nd Person Singular - Yourself
3rd Person Singular - Himself/Herself/Itself
1st Person Plural - Ourselves
2nd Person Plural - Yourself
3rd Person Plural - Themselves
Possessive Pronouns
Subjective Pronouns
1st Person singular - I
2nd Person Singular - You
3rd Person Singular - He/She/It
1st Person Plural - We
2nd Person Plural - You
3rd Person Plural - They
1st Person singular - My/Mine
2nd Person Singular - Your/Yours
3rd Person Singular - His/Hers/Its
1st Person Plural - Our/Ours
2nd Person Plural - Your/Yours
3rd Person Plural - Their/Theirs
Objective Pronouns
1st Person singular - Me
2nd Person Singular - You
3rd Person Singular - Him/Her/It
1st Person Plural - Us
2nd Person Plural - You
3rd Person Plural - Them
Reflexive Pronouns
Object of the sentence is the same as the subject
Takes the place of a noun, or it may
replace a person's name
Possessive Pronouns
Subjective Pronouns
Show possession by defending
who owns a particular object
(My, mine, her, hers, his, their,
theirs, its, our, ours)
Act as the subject of a sentence
(I, you, he, she, we, they)
Objective Pronouns
Act as the object of a verb or a
preposition (Me, you, him, her,
it, us, them) And I/Me