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1800 - 1899

  • Women, were not allowed to vote in most countries around the world by the end of the 18th century. In this respect, by the end of the 19th century only 10% of patents awarded were given to women and many women had to file patents in their husband’s and male business partner’s names in order to get the rights to their inventions.
  • Additionally, it should also be noted that with the introduction of the patent system in the mid 1500’s in England the race to get a patent was often greater that the race to invent something.
  • To get credit one had to be the first to the patent office and considering how much detail was required inventors had to go in person. Therefore those closest to the patent office and/or with money to travel had a distinct advantage. This is why, in this period it is hard to get an evenly distributed demographic of inventors across gender and racial lines.
  • Keep in mind that just because one person invented something does not mean that it wasn’t created by another inventor without either of them knowing about each other.



  • Napoleon conquers Italy, firmly establishes himself as First Consul in France
  • In the U.S., federal government moves to Washington, D.C. Robert Owen's social reforms in England
  • The term biology in its modern sense is coined by Karl Friedrich Burdach


  • Austria makes temporary peace with France
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland established with one monarch and one parliament


  • The term biology is used independently by Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus
  • Thomas L. Jennings - First Black Person to recieve a Patent for his dry-cleaning process


  • U.S. negotiates Louisiana Purchase from France: for $15 million increasing its territory by 2,144,500 sq km


  • Haiti declares independence from France; first black nation to gain freedom from European colonial rule
  • Napoleon proclaims himself emperor of France
  • In the U.S., Lewis and Clark expedition begins exploration of what is now northwest U.S.
  • DeSaussare demonstrates role of water in photosynthesis


  • Lord Nelson defeats the French-Spanish fleets in the Battle of Trafalgar
  • Napoleon victorious over Austrian and Russian forces at the Battle of Austerlitz.
  • Oken suggests primitive form of cell theory

Robert Fulton - first successful steamboat trip on Clermont between New York City and Albany


  • French armies occupy Rome and Spain, extending Napoleon's empire
  • Britain begins aiding Spanish guerrillas against Napoleon in Peninsular War
  • In the U.S., Congress bars importation of slaves. Beethoven's Fifth and Sixth Symphonies performed.


  • Jean Baptiste Lamarck proposes a modern theory of evolution based on the

inheritance of acquired characteristics.



The first plastic surgery is performed in England

George Stephenson - designs the first steam locomotive.

Joseph von Fraunhofer - spectrocope for the chemical analysis of glowing objects.

SPTLIGHT ON: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce was the first person to take a photograph. He took the picture by setting up a machine called the camera obscura in the window of his home in France. It took eight hours for the camera to take the picture.


  • Napoleon's Grand Army invades Russia and in winter, most of Napoleon's 600,000 men are dead
  • In the U.S., war with Britain declared over freedom of the seas for U.S. vessels (War of 1812)
  • Dietrich Nikolaus Winkel - Metranome
  • Tabitha Babbit - Circular Saw


Why was Tabbitha Babbit a big deal? What does she repersent today? (search online and print resources)


  • French defeated by allies (Britain, Austria, Russia, Prussia, Sweden, and Portugal) in War of Liberation
  • Napoleon exiled to Elba, off Italian coast
  • King Louis XVIII takes French throne
  • George Stephenson - practical steam locomotive.
  • Peter Durand - tin can


Napoleon returns and is later defeated by Wellington at Waterloo, banished again to St. Helena in South Atlantic

Congress of Vienna: victorious allies change the map of Europe

War of 1812 ends with Treaty of Ghent.

Humphry Davy - miner's lamp


Robert Stirling - Stirling engine

Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec - Stethoscope


Pierre-Joseph Pelletier and Joseph-Bienaime Caventou isolate chlorophyll


  • Simón Bolívar liberates New Granada (now Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador) as Spain loses hold on South American countries
  • Shirreff begins series of experiments on hybridization of wheat


  • Greeks proclaim a republic and independence from Turkey and a war is started that does not end until 1829
  • Brazil becomes independent of Portugal
  • Schubert's Eighth Symphony (“The Unfinished”)
  • William Beaumont begins his observations of digestion in Alexis St. Martin


  • Charles Mackintosh - Mackintosh (raincoat)


Mexico becomes a republic, three years after declaring independence from Spain

Bolívar liberates Peru, becomes its president

Beethoven's Ninth Symphony

Prout demonstrates presence of HCl in gastric juices


  • First passenger-carrying buit railroad (England)
  • William Sturgeon - electromagnet

1826 Joseph-Nicéphore Niepce takes the world's first photograph.John Walker - modern matches.

Samuel Morey - Internal combustion engine

What did people use before matches?

Why is this an important scientific invention?


W.A. Burt - typewriter

Louis Braille - braille printing for the blind

Joseph Henry - Insulated Wire



  • French invade Algeria. Louis Philippe becomes “Citizen King” as revolution forces Charles X to abdicate
  • Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints formed in U.S. by Joseph Smith.
  • Barthelemy Thimonnier - sewing machine.
  • Edwin Beard Budding - Lawn Mower
  • Ethanol Blend Becomes Popular Lamp Fuel in US, Displacing Whale Oil

What do you know about ethanol fuel?

Did you think ethanol fuel has been around for so long?

Where is ethanol fuel today?


  • Polish revolt against Russia fails
  • Belgium separates from the Netherlands
  • In U.S., Nat Turner leads unsuccessful slave rebellion
  • Cyrus McCormick (American) - first commercially successful reaper
  • Darwin set sail on The Beagle
  • Robert Brown identifies the nucleus of a cell

1833 Slavery abolished in the entire British Empire

Profile: Henry Blair (1807–1860)

Henry Blair was born in Glen Ross, Maryland. He was the only inventor to be identified in the Patent Office records as "a colored man." It is interesting to note that Henry Blair signed his patents with an "x" because he could not write. In 1834 he received a patent for a corn-planting machine and in 1836, he received a patent for a cotton-planting machine.


  • Jacob Perkins - Refrigerator


Samuel Colt - Revolver

Samuel Morseph - Morse code

Lindsay Bowman - Incandecent light bulb


  • Mexican army besieges Texans in Alamo. Entire garrison, including Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie, wiped out
  • Texans gain independence from Mexico after winning Battle of San Jacinto
  • Felix Dujardin describes cytoplasm



Lower and Upper Canada united


Crawford Long - uses first anesthetic (ether)


  • Wagner's opera The Flying Dutchman.
  • Ice Cream Maker: Nancy Johnson


  • Edgar Allan Poe publishes The Raven and Other Poems
  • Webers discovers inhibitory action of a nerve



  • Revolt in Paris: Louis Philippe abdicates; Louis Napoleon elected president of French Republic
  • Revolutions in Vienna, Venice, Berlin, Milan, Rome, and Warsaw
  • U.S.-Mexico War ends; Mexico cedes claims to Texas, California, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada
  • U.S. treaty with Britain sets Oregon Territory boundary at 49th parallel
  • Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels's Communist Manifesto.
  • Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery and joins the Underground Railroad
  • Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, N.Y.


California gold rush begins

Walter Hunt - Safety pin

James B. Francis - Francis turbine

Antonio Meucci - Telephone

RESEARCH: Why Antonio Meucci and not Alexander Graham Bell?


Profile of Margaret Knight (February 14, 1838 – October 12, 1914)

-Born in York, Maine to James Knight and Hannah Teal, Margaret Knight was the most famous 19th-century woman inventor. Knight went to school until she was twelve

and worked as a cotton mill worker from ages twelve through 56. In 1850, she developed a safety device that turned an entire machine off if it malfunctioned. (she was only 12 years old). In 1871, she invented a paper bag making machine that is still used today!

In1890, Knight commenced to make shoes. Knight designed several machines that improved the process of material being cut and sewed into shoes. Between 1890-1894, Knight acquired six patents for shoe factory machines and between1902-1914 she developed and patent a series of inventions related to rotary engines.


Herman Melville's Moby-Dick


Henri Giffard - Airship Elisha Otis - Passenger elevator

Leon Foucault - Gyroscope


Florence Nightingale nurses wounded in Crimea

  • Her theories on nursing (conceived in a pratical setting) turned the profession to the focus of patient care and fighting for the rights and car of the paitient.


Flaubert's Madame Bovary

Alexander Parkes - First celluliods

Louis Pasteur states that microorganisms produce fermentation.


  • Great Mutiny (Sepoy Rebellion) begins in India. India placed under crown rule as a result.
  • Neanderthal fossil discovered
  • Joseph Gayetty - Toilet Paper


  • Abraham Lincoln makes strong antislavery speech in Springfield, Ill.
  • Darwin & Wallace report theory of evolution
  • Rudolf Virchow proposes that cells can only arise from pre-existing cells

Profile: Charles Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882)

Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England at his family home, the Mount. He was the fifth of six children of wealthy society doctor and financier Robert Darwin, and Susannah Darwin. Darwin was an English naturalist who established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestry, and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection.

In 1825, Darwin studied medical education at the University of Edinburgh. He also studied marine invertebrates at the University of Cambridge. In 1859 he he published his famous work, Origin of the Species. He was awarded the Royal Medal, the Wollaston Medal, and the Copley Medal. In 1882, he was honoured by a major ceremonial funeral in Westminster Abbey, where he was buried close to John Herschel and Isaac Newton.


1861 U.S. Civil War begins


Salon des Refusés introduces impressionism

Julius Sachs demonstrates role of sunlight in photosynthesis

Louis Pasteur, Claude Bernard - Pasteurization


What does the process consist of and why is it important?

Is it a natural process? (i.e. the process does not involve chemicals)

Why do some people not want pasturized milk?

Do the benefits of non-pasturised milk out weigh the costs?


  • Revolution in Spain; Queen Isabella deposed, flees to France
  • Christopher Sholes et. Al. - First practical typewriter
  • George Westinghouse - Air brake (rail)
  • Mege Mouries - Oleomargarine


Johann Meisher isolated DNA from the nuclei of white blood cells

Friedrich Miescher discovers nucleic acids in the nuclei of cells



  • Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days
  • John W. Hyatt - Celluliod
  • Josephine Cochran - Dishwasher
  • T. Elkins - Received a patent for a chamber commode, horse reins, carriage device, yoke design, fire extinguisher design.
  • Elijah McCoy - automatic lubricating device , allowing a moving steam engine to be lubricated without having to first stop it


  • Zenobe Gramme - Modern direct current electric motor
  • Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis - Blue Jeans


  • Stephen Dudle Field - Electric Streetcar


  • Sioux kill Gen. George A. Custer and 264 troopers at Little Big Horn River
  • Alexander Graham Bell - patents the telephone
  • Why is the word "patent" so important here?
  • What other patent issues/races can you find?
  • Melville Bissell - Carpet sweeper
  • Oskar Hertwig and Hermann Fol independently describe the entry of sperm into
  • the egg and the subsequent fusion of the egg and sperm nuclei to form a single new
  • nucleus.
  • Grylls Adams, Richard Evans Day - First Demonstration of Generating Electricity Directly from Sunlight in a Selenium Solar Cell


Petipa and Tchaikovsky create Swan Lake.

Henry R. Heyl - Stapler

Appleby - Twine KnotterEmile Berliner - Microphone

Profile: Thomas Alva Edison (February 11, 1847 – October 18, 1931)

Thomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, and grew up in Port Huron, Michigan. His father had to escape from Canada because he took part in the unsuccessful Mackenzie Rebellion of 1837. Edison was home schooled. Much of his education came from reading R.G. Parker's School of Natural Philosophy and The Cooper Union.

Edison was an American inventor and businessman. He was the fourth most prolific inventor in history, holding 1,093 US patents in his name, as well as many patents in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany. Between 1876-1881, Edison's major innovation was the creation of the first industrial research lab. It was built in Menlo Park, New Jersey. In 1877, Edison invented his favourite invention, the Phonograph. In 1879 he invented practical electric light and in 1882, the first Electric Plant was built by Thomas Edison in New York.


  • Fol sees union of sperm & ovum in animal
  • Karl Benz - Automotive engine
  • James Ritty - Cash register
  • George B. Seldon - Automobile (patent)



  • U.S./China treaty allows U.S. to restrict immigration of Chinese labor
  • Alexander Graham Bell - Photophone
  • Laverau discovers the cause of malaria


  • Pasteur's research on anthrax
  • J. Wormley - lifesaving apparatus


  • In Berlin, Robert Koch announces discovery of tuberculosis germ
  • Mitosis in animals (Flemming)


  • World's first skyscraper built in Chicago
  • Karl Benz - Automobile Differential Gear, Internal Combustion Engine, First Car put into Production
  • van Benedeu discovers meiosis
  • Dr. John Stith Pemberton - Coke Cola

Walther Fleming coins the term mitosis to describe mitosis.

Edward Strasbourg coins the term cytoplasm to describe the cell’s central

fluid and establishes the cell’s structure.


  • Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee.
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first Sherlock Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet.
  • Adlof E. Fink, Eugene Kalt & August Muller - Contact Lens
  • Emile Berliner - Gramophone record
  • Anna Connelly - Fire Escape


  • Jack the Ripper murders in London.
  • Waldeyer uses the term "chromosome" for the first time
  • Roux experiments on frog embryos
  • George Eastman - Kodak hand camera
  • Charles F. Brush - first windmill that generates power



Naismith - Basketball

Henking discovers the "X-chromosome"


  • World's First Geothermal District Heating System Built in Boise, Idaho
  • Frederic E. Ives - Colour photography
  • Almon Strowger - Automatic telephone exchange
  • Sarah Boone - Ironing board
  • August Weismann's Theory of Germ Plasm


  • New Zealand becomes first country in the world to grant women the vote. This is several decades BEFORE Canada or the U.S.A (picture on Left)
  • Nikola Tesla - Wireless communication and Radio

Profile: Daniel Hale Williams (January 18, 1858 – August 4, 1931)

Daniel Williams was born and raised in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania, USA. He received honorary degrees from bot Howard and Willberforce Universtity. Williams was the first African-American cardiologist and was the

first doctor in the world to perform a successful open-heart operation.

In 1891, Williams started the Provident Hospital and training school for nurses in Chicago, Illinois. In 1893, he was appointed surgeon-in-chief of Freedman's Hospital in Washington, D.C. In 1898, he married Alice Johnson and in 1913 became a charter member and the only African American doctor in the American College of Surgeons. Daniel Williams was honored, amongst others, for his achievements in the Stevie Wonder song "Black Man."


  • Sino-Japanese War begins (ends in 1895 with China's defeat).
  • In France, Capt. Alfred Dreyfus convicted on false treason charge (pardoned in 1906).
  • In U.S., Jacob S. Coxey of Ohio leads “Coxey's Army” of unemployed on Washington.
  • Eugene V. Debs calls general strike of rail workers to support Pullman Company strikers; strike broken, Debs jailed for six months.


  • X-rays discovered by German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen.
  • Henry Perky - Shredded Wheat


  • Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson decision—“separate but equal” doctrine
  • Alfred Nobel's will establishes prizes for peace, science, and literature
  • Marconi receives first wireless patent in Britain William Jennings Bryan delivers “Cross of Gold” speech at Democratic Convention in Chicago
  • First modern Olympic games held in Athens, Greece.

Which of these facts make you wonder why it is here? Go find out a reason why it would be included here.


  • Theodor Herzl launches Zionist movement
  • Robert Bosch - Automobile, magneto
  • Jesse W. Reno - Modern escalator:
  • William Morrison and John C. Wharton - Cotton Candy
  • Bucher learns that extracts from yeast cells cause fermentation
  • Benda describes mitochondria


  • Chinese “Boxers,” anti-foreign organization, established. They stage uprisings against Europeans in 1900; U.S. and other Western troops relieve Peking legations
  • Spanish-American War begins
  • Pierre and Marie Curie discover radium and polonium, elements that constitute most of the radioactivity in uranium ore
  • Martinus Beijerinck uses filtering experiments to show that tobacco mosaic disease is caused by something smaller than a bacterium, which he names a virus


Boer War (British victorious as war ends in 1902.)

Letitia Geer

1899 - Medical Syringe


Sources for Timeline/Overall History 1800–1899 (A.D.) World History —

Overall Points/History of Science


India and Middle East

China and Asia

Major figures


Richard Trevithick, an English mining engineer, developed the first steam-powered locomotive. Unfortunately, the machine was too heavy and broke the very rails it was traveling on.


Mendeleev's periodic table of elements

(below is the table as it was originally published)


Victoria becomes queen of Great Britain

John Deere - Steel plow

Augustus Siebe - Standard diving dress

Jozef Maximillan Petzal - Camera Zoom Lens




  • Franco-Prussian War (to 1871)
  • Thomas Alva Edison - Stock Ticker
  • Siegfried Marcus - Mobile Gasoline Engine
  • T. Elkin - combination dining/ironing table/quilting frame
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