there are many different housing options on campus, our goal is to make each feel like home!
What Happens If...
1) Someone writes on your bulletin board?
2)Someone tears down your bulletin board?
3) Someone writes profanity on your bulletin board?
Sites for Inspiration:
#reslife #RA #bulletinboards
Bulletin Boards
Types of Door Decorations:
Bulletin boards are a unique opportunity to show off your creativity AND educate your residents!
Additional Tips:
- Never block the peep hole
- Choose appropriate door decorations
- Make sure the door decorations are placed on the right doors (for safety purposes)
- Door decorations will most likely need to be laminated for those residents in Hsg I
- Do you have the right information? What do you know about your residents?
- Do your door decorations match the personality of your floor/court/area/etc.?
- Are they creative enough?
- What type of art do you have?
- What holidays or activities are going on during particular semester?
- How much time do you have tomake door décor?
- Remember these door decorations will be up ALL semester…
The Goal:
- Bulletin Boards
- Door Decorations
- Programming
Types of Bulletin Boards:
Bulletin Boards can inspire community by:
1) Getting residents talking
2) Teaching residents new facts
3) Encouraging residents to engage with each other & with their RA!
Passive Programming:
Informative Bulletin Boards:
Encourages residents to participate in their community without you directly telling them to.
- Show off your creativity
- Can be theme Related for the MONTH: Welcome Back, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Breast Cancer Awareness, Prostate Awareness, Sports, Elections, etc.
- Should be aesthetically pleasing, neat & organized.
- Should cater to specific interests of residents!
Door Decorations
What's the point of a name tag?
- To welcome residents home
- To help build a sense of ownership
- To provide helpful information to maintain health & safety
Things to Consider!!!
- Which door decoration would you rather have?
- What do you think your decorations will
say about you?
- Be mindful that you are making door
decorations for college students!
- Do your door decorations match a floor
Create Your Space