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Indigenous Children and the Welfare System:

The Alternatives

The Impact

The Issue


The cause

Aboriginal Children in Care Working Group. (2015). Aboriginal Children in Care: Report

to Canada’s Premiers.

-In Canada foster children are wards of the state

-Children are taken away from homes and placed with a licensed and compensated caregiver

-There is a disproportionate number of indigenous children in care

-The primary reason is neglect or failure to supply necessities of life

-After an indigenous case is opened it is more likely to be investigated than a non-indigenous case

-No national strategy so rates vary drastically between provinces

Sacred Circles

The government vs the court

Cram, F., Gulliver, P., Ota, R., & Wilson, M. (2015). Understanding Overrepresentation of Indigenous Children in Child Welfare Data: An Application of the Drake Risk and Bias Models. Child Maltreatment, 20(3), 170-182.

D'Souza, N. (1994). Indigenous Child Welfare or Institutionalised Colonialism? Social Alternatives, 13(1), 32-34.

Funston, L., & Herring, S. (2016). When will the stolen generations end? A qualitative

critical exploration of contemporary 'child protection' practices in aboriginal and torres strait islander communities. Sexual Abuse in Australia and New Zealand, 7(1), 51-58.

-Indigenous children are forced to give up their original heritage

-The continued loss of identity and culture

-Often the children in welfare are still neglected

-Separation from families has shown to have negative long term effects on the children.

-The cycle of children being taken away from families, and therefore not learning how to raise their own family is repeating the horrible legacy of the impact of residential schools



-The impact of colonialism and systemic bias are key components

-Lack of consistent funding from the federal government to supply necessities

-The federal government argues that funding is not a service

-The trauma faced by Indigenous peoples through residential schools

-Many indigenous peoples today are economically disadvantaged and discriminated against.

-Poverty, parental addiction, poor housing and domestic abuse are all risk factors leading to higher rates of children entering the system

-Consultation regarding definitions and decisions.

-Raising the priority of Indigenous communities

-Better understanding of Indigenous child rearing practices.

-Recognize impact of colonialism and residential schools

-Distinguish between abuse and neglect and target both

-Additional access to social programming

-Improved coordination between service providers

-More targeted training for social workers.

-Additional hiring of Indigenous child welfare workers.

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