Similarities and differences of Sunni and Shiite Muslims
- Holy cities include: Mecca and Medina
- 1.2 billion followers
- Called Sunni, Ehl-e-Sunnah
- Majority in most Muslim countries.
- 5 pillars of faith
- Do not believe Muhammad nominated a successor
- Clergy includes: Caliph, Imaam (Saint), Mujtahid, Allamah, Maulana
- Islam did achieve glory
- Holy Days: Eid al Fitr, Eid al Adha, Eid-e-Milaad-un-Nabi
- Original language: Arabic
- Consider Shiites to be heretics
- Originate for the teaching of Muhammad
- Deny the death and resurrection of Jesus
- Believe in his second coming
- Monotheistic
- Believe in the Qur'an
- Friday is their day of worship
- Men can marry up to 4 women
- Holy cities include Kufa and Karbala
- 200 million followers
- Called Shiites, Shia, or Ehl-e Tash-e
- Majority in Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Lebanon, Azerbaijan
- 9 pillars of faith
- Believe Muhammad nominated a successor
- Clergy includes: Imam, Ayatollah, Mujtahid , Allamah , and Maulana
- Islam did not achieve ultimate glory because of corruption
- Holy days: Ashura, Eid al Fitr, Eid al Adha, Eid al ghadeer
- Original languages: Arabic and Farsi.