Exploring the SBPS Zone
1) Location
2) Elevation & Climate
3) Precipitation & Temperature
4) Vegetation
5) Soil
6) Fire & Pine Beetle
7) Wildlife
8) Subzones
9) Economic Resources
Sub-Boreal Pine Spruce Zone
By Tyler Farley and Shawana Michalek
- Chilcotin region settled in the Fraser Plateau
- Major subdivision of the Interior Plateau and the southern portion of the Nechako Plateau
- South and west of the Sub-Boreal Spruce Zone (SBS) within the
SBPS is found on high Plateaus
- North 850-1300m
- South/west 1100-1500m
Major Drainage include
- Chilcotin River
- West Road (Blackwater)
- Dean River
- Entiako River
(Pelecanus erythrorhynchos)
Precipitation and Temperature
SBPS is found in the rain shadow of the Coastal Mountains (dry)
- Very hot summers and cold winters
- Dryer and cooler then SBS (distinct)
- Mean annual precipitation 335-580mm
- Mean temperature 0.3-2.7 ⁰ Celsius.
SD of Extreme-Min Temp for 27 years
Decomposition and structure is slow to develop, Humus form represents Mors.
Most common soil orders include:
- Brunisolic (Low rate of weathering due to climate)
- Luvisolic (Clay rich cause drainage restrictions)
- Only nesting colony of American White Pelican in BC
- Government created the White Pelican Provincial Park
- Park closed during breeding season for clutch protection
- Dry conditions lead to frequent fire events
- Pine seeds released with the heat
- Fire exists within a cyclical system
- Leads to regeneration and new forests
Dominant species is Lodgepole Pine
- Due to fire, continuous, dense, similar age
Understory of White Spruce
- Common on wetter sites (north/east)
- Occasionally found on zonal sites (rare due to fire)
- Low vegetation diversity limits species richness
- Lichen abundance creates prime Caribou habitat
- Hunting for fur is prevalent
SBPSxc (Driest)
- White Spruce is rare
- Kinnikinnik
- Pinegrass
- Lichen
SBPSdc (Moist)
- White Spruce understory
- Diversified herb/moss layer
SBPSmc (Moist/Cool)
- White Spruce has healthy population
- Mosses (no Pinegrass)
SBPSmk (Warmest)