History of Transformational Leadership
- James MacGregor Burns, 1978
- Tried to link leadership to followership
- Transactional leadership was different
- Bernard M. Bass, 1985
- Transformational leadership could be measured
- Leadership can display both types
- Bechford, A. (2011, August 14). The History of Transformational Leadership. Retrieved January 28, 2016, from Scribd: http://www.scribd.com/doc/62242886/The-History-of-Transformational-Leadership#scribd
- BusinessDictionary. (2016). Transactional leadership. Retrieved from http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/transactional-leadership.html
- Fuhrmann, R. (2016). What Is Servant Leadership? Retrieved from http://www.investopedia.com/articles/financialcareers/10/servant-leadership.asp
- Greenleaf. (2016). WHAT IS SERVANT LEADERSHIP? Retrieved from https://www.greenleaf.org/what-is-servant-leadership/
- Hyatt, M. (2012, July 3). THE 5 MARKS OF AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP. Retrieved January 28, 2016, from Michael Hyatt: http://michaelhyatt.com/the-five-marks-of-authentic-leadership.html
- Ingram, D. (2016). Transformational Leadership Vs. Transactional Leadership Definition. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/transformational-leadership-vs-transactional-leadership-definition-13834.html
- Keith, K. (2014). THE ETHICAL ADVANTAGE OF SERVANT LEADERSHIP. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Janna.Her/Downloads/The-Ethical-Advantage-of-Servant-Leadership.pdf
- Mind Tools. (2016). Transformational Leadership. Retrieved from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/transformational-leadership.htm
- Northouse, P. (2013a and 2013b). Leadership: Theory & Practice (6th Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Authentic Leadership
(NORTHOUSE, 2013a)
(Bechford, 2011)
- "a complex process that emphasizes the development of qualities that help leaders to be perceived as trustworthy and believable by their followers"
- Authentic leadership is not acting
- Markers of authentic leadership:
- Insight
- Initiative
- Influence
- Impact
- Integrity
- New age calls for new tactics
- A great recipe for success
Today's Agenda
Evolution of the Positive Leadership Theories
- Brief history of transformational leadership
- Authentic leadership
- Its application to modern leadership
- Servant leadership
- How the ethics of leadership have affected the development of this theory
- Difference of transformational leadership from transactional leadership
- References
Transformational Leadership Vs. Transactional Leadership
Servant Leadership
- Transactional leader does not individualize the needs of subordinates or focus on their personal development
- Transactional leadership is more concerned about the way things are now whereas transformational leadership are more change-oriented
- Transactional leadership works within the set and established goals whereas transformational leadership challenges the daily operations
- Transactional leaders emphasizes on the organization, performance evaluation with rewards and punishments whereas transformational leaders focus on motivating and engaging followers with a future vision
Janna Her & Anthony Hagemen
Darryl Habeck
Transformational Leadership
Transactional Leadership
- Leader works with followers to identify need for change
- Enhances the motivation, morale and performance of followers
- Leaders and their followers raise one another to higher levels of morality and motivation (Mind Tools, 2016)
- Goes beyond managing day-to-day operations
- Focus on team building, motivation, and collaboration
- Originated in the writings of Robert K. Greenleaf in 1970 (Fuhrmann, R., 2016)
- Ambitious to serve first, shares power with their followers, and put other peoples priority needs before theirs
- focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong (Greenleaf, 2016)
- Organization must be devoted to serving people
- Servant leadership embeds ethics in four operating principles
- Serve people
- Help people grow
- Exercise foresight
- Care about everyone
- Leaders are tasks and outcome oriented
- Use rewards and/or punishment to encourage compliance with existing goals
- Focuses on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance
(BusinessDictionary, 2016)
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