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William and Elizabeth McLaughlin

Married September 7, 1820

"What was the price of a movie ticket as a child?"

$0.01 - Bernice

$0.19 - Richard

$1.25 - Mark

William McLaughlin (January 1803-September 1834)

Elizabeth Taylor Howe (September 1805- unknown)

Settled in Indianapolis, Indiana

William and Elizabeth had 9 children:

  • Lidy
  • George
  • John
  • Milton
  • Francis
  • Catherine
  • James
  • Theodore
  • John Nelson

John Nelson and Susan Margaret McLaughlin

Married October 30, 1851

"What was segregation like?"

"Growing up, blacks lived in the south and whites north. The two did not mix"

-Richard E. McLaughlin

  • The first railroad service started in 1847. The population more than doubled by 1900 due to the railroad
  • John Nelson and Susan Margaret settled in what is now Plymouth, Indiana in 1848
  • Jazz greats such as Freddie Hubbard, Jimmy Coe, Noble Sissle, and Wes Montgomery called Plymouth, IN home.
  • John Nelson and Susan Margaret were married on Erin Elizabeth's birthday 141 years ago

Charles Reeves and Rose McLaughlin

Married October 16, 1887

  • Plymouth, Indiana was founded in 1873
  • In 1881 it was one of the first American cities to install electric street lighting
  • At the turn of the century, Indianapolis was a leader in the burgeoning automobile industry.
  • On the eve of the Civil War, the population had increased to 18,611 people as a result of German immigration

"What characteristics or morals did your parent's teach you?"

"My parents bought eggs from a neighbor, and had another neighbor iron their laundry. Not because they couldn’t do those things, but because they knew those neighbors needed the small income it provided. It was right to support our friends in any way we could."

-Mary McLaughlin

Raymond Earl and Edna McLaughlin

Married May 15, 1926

  • In 1911, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway was inaugurated when an Indianapolis-made car named the Marmon won the first race.
  • Lived through the Dust Bowl of 1932
  • Raymond Earl served in World War I and World War II
  • "My dad got his first car in the 1940’s: he hitch hiked to Detroit to get it from the Studebaker factory. "- Mary McLaughlin about her father, Willis

"What was a major event in your parent's lifetime?"

"The Titanic sank in my parent's time."

-Bernice McLaughlin

Richard Earle and Bernice McLaughlin

Married August 23, 1953

  • Richard and Bernice were married in Spokane, WA
  • Richard was stationed in El Paso, TX during the Korean War
  • Bernice graduated from Kinman Business University and worked as a secretary before owning a small gift shop
  • Richard has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and worked on airplanes for much of the war

"Did you or a family member ever work directly with agriculture, railroads, highway systems, or automobiles?"

"My dad was a road and bridge engineer. He was a highway engineer for the federal government. After retirement he became the county civil engineer, working on roads and bridges. We had a 4-acre pear farm, and raised pears that we drove to a cannery."

- Mary McLaughlin


Est. 1802

Mark Alan and Mary McLaughlin

Married January 16, 1982

  • Mark and Mary met in college and married in their early 20s as was common in the 80s
  • Mary grew up as the youngest of five, Mark was the second and last child
  • Both have received graduate degrees
  • My mother's clothes were made by her mother and handed down when her older sisters grew out of them. Mark loved perms and platform shoes
  • Both grew up going to church regularly and were taught to "Work hard, go to college, love and follow God, have fun, be helpful, be honest, have integrity, and manners"

"What were some of your favorite memories?"

"Clam digging was a yearly tradition that we loved. My family did a lot of cross country camping trips where we went to national parks"

- Mary McLaughlin

"Playing with neighbor kids, family vacations, camping, little league baseball, getting married, having children, "

- Mark McLaughlin

Devin Nicole and Peter J. Bybel III

Married June 30, 2013

  • Devin Nicole is the adopted daughter of Mark and Mary.
  • She married Peter in June 2013
  • She has received a B.A. in Communication from Texas A&M University
  • She and Peter have adopted a more simple way of eating, specifically in purchasing organic, Go Texan products to support local and regional farmers

Erin Elizabeth McLaughlin

"Today, an adoption is not looked upon as a disgrace... One of my granddaughters was adopted as a baby and it was a joyous occasion. Maybe the problem was just that Polly hadn't been told."

-From my grandmother's memoirs, in response to a friend who was adopted

  • Erin was born October 30, 1992
  • Erin will receive her B.S. in Tourism Management from Texas A&M University in May
  • She has been a musician since the age of 9 through the influence of various family members
  • She has never served in the military, lived on a farm, or paid less than $4.50 for a movie ticket
  • Major things that have happened in her lifetime are the falling of the Twin Towers on 9/11 and the election of the first black President
  • Erin is a supporter of healthy eating, especially locally grown products. She attends church regularly and practices the ideals that her grandparents taught her parents.

"What was your best school subject?"

"I don’t have many memories of school, except that I sucked at math"- Mary McLaughlin

(this is also a true statement about my education)

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