- Tighten Up (cross-site)
- PPF Quality (cross-site)
- Bedliner Posse
- PPF Film layout
- Spray and Bedliner Dry-off
Consideration Points
- Associates are our greatest assets, Kaizen is a means of associate development
- Not every Kaizen will fit the 5 day model; successful Kaizen is about full engagement
- Kazien communication (Prod. Meeting/Morning Meeting)
Follow Up
- Conduct a post-mortem; capture best practices and learnings to be applied to future Kaizen events
- Data collection plans and response plans should be in place to monitor performance and systematically respond to problems
Tools: Kaizen Audit
5 Day Kaizen (Kaizen Tool Box)
Day 1
- Kaizen Kickoff
- Kaizen/A3 Training
- Current State Documentation
Day 2
- Current State Evaluation
- Characterize Future State; Plan Implementation
Day 3 & 4
Day 5
- Operationalize Future State; Document follow up items
Pre-Work Phase
SET Kaizen Roadmap
- Identify opportunity and gain management sponsorship
- Establish charter with scope and objectives
- Collect data, plan, and arrange resources
Tools: Charter & Planning Checklist
Project Prioritization
A lack of focus on project selection and prioritization can lead to projects that lack data or business focus or projects focused on process areas that are outside the realm of control...
Tools: Decision Matrix
Idea Generation & Feedback
Idea Generation
- "Squeaky wheel" or "Elephant in the room" issues
- Gemba walks
- Supervisor alignment sync
Associate Feedback
- In a nationwide survey of 2000 workers by the Gallop Organization, 69% indicated that receiving praise and recognition from their bosses was more motivating than money.
- Immediate and continuous feedback
Standardized Approach to Kaizen
How "We do it better!"
- Idea Generation & Feedback
- Follow Up (CI cycle continuation)
Developing a Kaizen Culture
"For continuous improvement to flourish it must be carefully cultivated in a rich soil bed [a receptive organization], given constant attention [sustained leadership], assured the right amounts of light [training and support] and water [measurement and data] and protected from damaging."
- Prof. Stephen Shortell