ESA Announcements
Spring Semester 2017
Vol XCIII, No. 311
Workshop Announcements
The New ESA Blog
- Members can post their favorite works by notable or obscure authors
- Members can post their own original works (i.e. poetry, short stories, etc.)
- Members can share videos and ideas that can be used in a classroom setting
Volunteers & Contributors Needed!
- Members can receive and give their peers feedback
Open House
Upcoming Events in April
Finding the Cure Event
Scavenger Hunt
Kickback Karaoke Night
Toons & Tunes
Wed. April 5, 2017
April 9, 2017. Meet-up @Cora: 12 p.m.
President of UPRAg: Xavier Lopez
Double Feature Movie Night
in collaboration with the LFK
LFK Presents:
Time: 7 p.m.
Place: TBA
ESA Presents:
*Refreshments will be sold
- ESA & LFK will have their own selling booths