By: Isabelle Roberts, Savanah Carter,
Patrick Murphy, and Maxwell
Located in the Great Plains, warm, moist air moving Northward from the Gulf of Mexico, summers are long and usually really hot. Extreme cold is not very common, and when it is cold, it isn’t cold for a long time.
what happened to Oklahoma?
Oklahoma had a horrible drought, which is when they do not get any rain, droughts are formed when it is too hot, so that no rain will come then there is no evaporation, so there won’t be any rain there.
what affects did the drought have on Oklahoma?
the difference between an Ecosystem and a Biome
Ecosystems are much smaller than biomes. Biomes are big areas with flora, fauna and microorganisms. Many little ecosystems could make up one big biome.
what are the different Biomes?
Temperate Forest
Tropical Dry Forest
Cold Climate Forest
Tropical Rainforest
as the dominate species why should we help?
Yes we should because
since we are the dominate
species we are responsible for
the continuation of all of the other
species in the world. We should rebuild
their biomes. not only so that we can
they can live because it is our responsibility.
We should also rebuild the Biomes because some humans did live there and now they
don’t have anywhere to live.
It destroyed crops and evaporated the water from any local water sources. It can kill all of the plants because there won’t be any water to give them something to drink, so then they will dry out.the plants die because of the lack of water and there is no more food and plants for animals so this could lead to people dieing too
the water supply is demolished and the animals will die of dehydration.