A successful first term!
A More Beautiful Question: The Power of Inquiry to Spark Breakthrough Ideas
- What kinds of questions yield what kind of answers
- What motivates you to question? What answers do you seek?
The FYE Course
Welcome to
- Engage students with College
faculty, resources, and each other
- Paired with a faculty mentor and student mentor
Orientation Week - Week 8
- Helps with how to "do" college
FYE Adviser and FYM
Every first year student is assigned an NCC faculty member as a mentor as well as a returning NCC student as a student mentor.
Your FYE adviser's role is to support you in your first year at NCC, help connect you with resources, and work with you on adjusting to college.
Your FYM's role is to help you navigate NCC and balance the academic and social aspects of college.
- You are a professional student. Your job is to "do" college.
- You enter into a contract with your instructors.
North Central College
- Your are responsible for your actions, managing your time, and following through on your obligations.
How we do things at NCC
Dr. Suzanne Chod
Associate Professor of Political Science
- Full time = 8 credit hours
- Maximum credits per term = 12
- Goal: min. 30 credits per year
- M/W/F classes = 70 minutes
- 3 hr/wk for every hour in class
- T/TH classes = 110 minutes
Topics for Today
- The academic structure of North Central
- Your responsibilities as a college student
- The role of your FYE adviser and FYM
A More Beautiful Question:
The Power of Inquiry to
Spark Breakthrough Ideas