Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Timeline
570 AD
576 AD
578 AD
580-594 AD
595 AD
610 AD
613 AD
613-617 AD
617 - 619 AD
619 AD
620 AD
622 AD
624 AD
625 AD
627 AD
630 AD
632 AD
Prophet Muhammad's grandfather dies. He was then raised by his uncle, Abu Talib.
Khadiga was so impressed by his honesty and propose to him to marry her when he was 25 years old and she was 40.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his tribe have their first war against the quraish called battle of badr. In this war the muslims won even though they were outnumbered, since Allah (SWT) was on their side.
Sadly in this year prophet Muhammad (PBUH) became ill and he died. He also gave his farewell address where he told Muslims to treat each other respect and he told them not to take draw him or anything so no one starts believing he is a god.
Prophet starts to talk about Islam to the people of Mecca. Some people believe him that Allah is the only god and some don't. The ones that don't believe don't convert into Islam because all their money comes from them telling people to worship stones.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born In Mecca, KSA, on the elephant year. His father's name was Abdullah, he died before the prophet was born. His mother’s name Aminah bint Wahab.
The Quraysh, unable to convince Muhammad to stop preaching, banished the Muslims and their supporters to a dry valley and refused to trade with them. Muhammad’s uncle, Abu Talib, lost his business and the Muslims nearly starved. Abu Bakr, once a wealthy trader, lost everything.
The Night Journey called Isra’ and Miraj, in which Muslims believe Muhammad was transported to Jerusalem and then to Heaven. Muslims believe that God gave Muhammad the order for Muslims to pray the five daily prayers on this journey.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his tribe have their third war against the quraish called battle of the trench, this battle occurred over one day. In this war the muslims won. The muslims were too outnumbered to win so a man made an idea to build a very deep trench around medina and so the quraish couldn’t come in medina since the trench was too big so the muslims won. The treaty at Hudaybiyyah called for ten years of peace between the Muslims and the Makkans.
The people of the quraysh tried to stop Muhammad (PBUH) to preach about islam.
Muhammad’s wife Khadija died, and then Muhammad also lost his protector, Abu Talib.
Al-Quraish started to treat muslims badly so the muslims decides they were going to hajj from mecca to madina.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mother died at age six. He was then raised by grandfather Abdul Mutalib.
He started working as a merchant traveling with his uncle at his early age. Then he start working for a wealthy widow named Khadija.
The Makkans broke their treaty with the Muslims by attacking a tribe allied with the Muslims. Muhammad immediately marched on Makkah and took the city peacefully.
Prophet Muhammad didn’t like the way the Quraish lived. He spend his time in cave Hira. One day he saw in the cave and he got very scared. It was uncle Gibreel who delivered the first message from Allah. He learn that he was a messenger for Allah (SWT).
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his tribe have their second war against the quraish called battle of Uhud. In this war the muslims lost, and again they were outnumbered. Many Muslims were killed and the battle was considered a setback for the Muslims.